
Finished all my work....?

by  |  earlier

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If you finish all of your work, does your boss care what you do with the rest of your time?

We are entering the "slow season" here and I have considered bringing in my laptop and some movies b/c I get so bored... but I don't know how it would go over with the boss, lol.





  1. I wouldn't do that unless you run it by your boss first. I have never had a job where that would be acceptable. The only thing I could do was homework when I wasn't busy when I worked while going to college. You are on company time and getting paid to work so I would find something else to do to occupy your time (clean, file, ask to help a co-worker, etc). I had a job once that monitored computer use, they could see everything on my computer screen so I couldn't even look something up on the internet if it was personal and not business related (needless to say, I no longer work there!).  

  2. absolutely my boss cares because they are still paying me to do company things. i often try to look busy when i'm not. i'll have about 3 internet windows open but when the boss comes around i open my work windows! personally, i wouldn't bring in movies. i would stick to the computer and act like you're doing company things.

  3. Wow, so NOT what you employer wants to see.  Don't do it.  Look for something else to do that actually benefits your employer and in the end will benefit you.  What do you want your employer to remember when it comes time for raises, bonuses, or promotions?  Oh, she's the one who watched movies while I was paying her OR hey, she was the one who had the initiative to clean out the store room, organize the office supplies, or look for new customers OR something.  Or, maybe there is a class or another skill your employer might be happy to pay for that would benefit you both -- increase your skillset in a way that is beneficial to the company.  Does your business have a website?  No, learn how to make one.  Or, maybe do research on the competition -- what do they do in the slow season?  

  4. Not a good idea unless your know your at a place where they don't care, sometimes sales positions are like that if your hitting your numbers.

    If thats not you, than look for things to do, take some initiative.  Ask around if people need help or see if there's anything else you can do to lighten your bosses work load.  Ask "What can I do for you?"  not, "Did you have anythign else for me?"  The lather sounds like your trying to skip work and leave.  Is there a place in the workplace that is always messy?  Take the time to organize it and be a leader.  It'll make you look better in the bosses eyes come time for promotions or raises.

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