
Finishing basement stairs..?

by Guest10663  |  earlier

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We are in the process of finishing our basment. Regarding the stairs, they are that builders grade, ugly gypsum (?) board. Instead of compeltey carpeting them, we were thinking of just installing a carpet runner in the middle section. But, soemthing would need to be done to the wood first to make it look like regualr wood. We sorta priced oak planks made for this purpose, but it was about $25 per step. Is there another product for purpose? What is it called? Any other ideas for the stairs? For high traffic reason, we are doing the entire living area tile, so dont' have to match up w/any carpet on floor.




  1. You could buy a "softer" wood than oak since you are going to cover the center with carpet. Install and stain it with the wood color you prefer. Then coat with Poly.

  2. stain  it so it would look like oak.............than put ur runner on.

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