
Finishing off my hairdressing course and want to work in South Australia?

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I am almost done my hairdressing course...and I want to work for a bit in Canada...I already have 12-13 years experience cutting Family an friends question is how many work years experience do I need to have to be able to apply for a work visa and then live permanently in Australia?? I heard it's 3 years...I am kind of nervous because I will be 41 this December and I heard that it's harder to move to Australia if you 45!!

Any help would be great!




  1. As far as I know,it can depend on your occupation to whether or not you need 3 years work experience.Nurses for instance don't always need 3 years work experience as Australia is in desperate need of nurses.

    You have to be 45 and under to be able to apply for a skilled working visa,but please don't loose faith.A few of my husband's friend's from Ireland migrated to Australia in their mid 40's,one was a month away from turning 45 when he came here,and honestly thought that he was going to be told by immigration when he got here,that he wasn't allowed to enter Australia with his visa because he was so close to being 45.(he got his visa just before he was 44,but couldn't come straight away)and every thing worked out fine for him.

    Have a look at this website,it will have all the answers to any other questions you may have regarding immigrating to Australia.

    Take care.

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