
Finishing story, i need names for my characters, please help!?

by Guest33445  |  earlier

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I need 5 appealing russian male names and last names

3 appealing romanian male names and last names

2 irish appealing male names and last names


1italian male appealing name and last name.

also, what would be a good name for a werewolf, and what are charastics of werewolfs?

thankyou so much!!!!!!!!!!!




  1. Brian H, your Irish names aren't Irish at all.  

    Try Ronan, Conor, Tadhg (Tie-g), Killian, Liam, Darragh (Dara), Gavin, Brendan, Colm (Kulm), Barry, Declan.

    Surnames/Last names - O'Brien, O'Connor, Barry, Murphy, Leahy, O' Sullivan, Kennedy, Murray, O'Leary, MacDonnell, MacCarthy

  2. i agree with wampire, the previous romanian names aren't romanian. You can try as a First name: Adrian, Andrei, Bogdan, Cristi, Dan, David, Florin, Gabriel, George, Mihai, Mircea, Ovidiu, Radu, Valentin, Viorel, Vlad

    Last name (family name): Banică, Dumitru, Grigore, Ilie, Ion, Ionescu, Manole, Marin, Nicola, Oprea, Popescu, Săndulescu

  3. Russian male names..

    1. Dimitri Adayevskaya

    2. Bronislav Yakovlevich

    3. Fadei Agapkin

    4. Fedor  Gretchaninov

    5. Aleksei Gurchenko

    Romanian names:

    1. Andrei Bentoiu

    2. anton Musicescu

    3. Cezar von Hannenheim

    Irish names

    1.  Obrian Greenville

    2.  Beagan Gribbin


    1.  Deano de' Cavalieri

    Name for a warewolf:

    Astaroth the watcher..




    charactoristics of a warewolf:

    driven by demonic forces, every muscle seeks the addiction for biting its prey and releasing the demonic overtones into and infection inorder to continue the nightmare of the living dead...

    large fanges, red beedy eyes,  no fear, no soul.. an animal with a humans brain, but no human concious.. it must roam at night.. it never sleeps....

    According to Elliott O’Donnell, the writer of Werewolves, "[W]hen asked to describe a wer[e]wolf, or what is generally believed to be a wer[e]wolf, one can only say that a wer[e]wolf is an anomaly -- sometimes man, sometimes woman (or in the guise of a man or woman); sometimes adult, sometimes child (or in the guise of such) -- that, under certain conditions, possesses the property of metamorphosing into a wolf, the change being either temporary or permanent" (O’Donnell 2).

    Brian J. Frost, the author of The Essential Guide to Werewolf Literature defines a werewolf as "a man or woman who, either voluntarily or involuntarily, is supernaturally transformed into the shape of a wolf" with the appearance of the wolf (6).

    The above definitions, however, cover merely the physical aspect of werewolves.

    Mentally, it is widely believed that werewolves are uncontrollable raging fiends who devour everything in sight. It is believed that they are incapable of reason or thought, and act upon emotional or instinctual whims as according to their lupine instincts. Werewolves often become irritable and uncontrollable when a full moon nears, and make plans to vanish at that time so that their secret is hidden.

    Werewolves also have many wolf traits according to Frost. They are cunning, fast, fierce, and very cruel. On top of that, "they are possessed of a ravenous hunger and are seized periodically by an irresistible desire to feast on the flesh and blood of both the living and the dead"

  4. ok Those previous names are Not romanian

    try Alexandru Popescu

    Andrei Dragomirescu

    Catalin  Bodochi

  5. Russian:

    1. Nikolai Ivanova

    2. Yuri Luzhin

    3. Igor Maslany

    4. Vincent Semyon

    5. Dmitri Petrov


    1. Emil Lilic

    2. Zoran Alexandrovici

    3. Vasko Bojan


    1. Liam McCloud

    2. Russell Fox

    Italian: Antonio Volta

    Werewolf: Gilgamesh? I have no clue what kind of werewolf, so I don't know.

    As for characteristics: turn at a full moon, die by silver, and they "infect" whoever they bite. Those are the main points, but there are tons of other possibilities and differences. Check the link to learn more.

    Sounds like you haven't even started this story, but good luck anyway.

    EDIT: While they are human, they should act just like a human. Perhaps they are a bit colder than normal, but there are no set rules. Perhaps this would be a good place for you to get creative. Make your own rules for when a werewolf is human, set a new standard.

  6. Irish names

    First: Conor, Brian, Ronan, Finn

    Last: O'Brian, O'Hara, O' Neill

  7. search on net!!

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