
Finnish-English Translation?

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Could someone that knows Finnish please translate this:

Jos minun pitäisi päättää, mitä kaikkein mieluiten soisin sinulle, valinta olisi kovin vaikea - mikä auttaisi sinut onneen? Kauneus voi olla vaarallista; viisaus on hankittava; rakkaus on sinun oma valintasi. Loppujen lopuksi päätyisin ehkä kaikista parhaimpaan ominaisuuteen - rohkeuteen.

Hyvää matkaa rakkaalle kummitytölle!

Thanks in advance!




  1. Here goes:

    "If I had to decide what I would mostly wish to give you, the choice would be very difficult; what think it would be that would help you to achieve happiness? Beauty can be dangerous; wisdom has to be obtained; love is your own choice. After all I'd perhaps end up to the best possible characteristics -braveness.

    Happy life journey to beloved goddaughter!"

  2. If I had to decide what I most would like you to have, it would be hard to choose- what would aid you to happiness?  Beauty may be dangerous; wisdom must be acquired; love is a choice of your own.Finally I would end up choosing maybe the best quality of them all- courage.

    Wishing for a happy trip for a dear goddaughter!

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