
Fire Bellied Toad Coloration?

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Hello! We have two Fire Bellied Toads (Fred and George) who live in a 10-gallon aquarium that is 75% water, and 25% land. The water area is about 2-3 inches deep and is over gravel. There is an artificial log/cave thing that the frogs love to hide in. The water borders these larger rocks which make up the border to the land area, which is just sphagnum moss with one tropical plant in it. We feed our toads 3-4 crickets each every other day. We bought both of them from PetSmart almost 4 years ago and they were both bright green. Fred is still a bright green but about a month after we got George, he turned black. His top is just solid black but he still has the red belly. He doesn't seem sick or anything and has a healthy appetite and is very active. Is this just his natural coloration? P.S. How long do fire-bellied toads live for?




  1. The fire-bellied toads change color quite often. For them to stay one color is also very normal. I recommend trying adding beta-carotine to their diets by feeding carrots to the crickets. This often produces brighter colors. The color change is completely normal and is nothing to worry about. They often live 5-10 years with proper care and what you are doing sounds like proper care with four years experience.  

  2. yes it is. its been awhile since ive had fire bellies but i remember mine would change color quite often. they might be cold. you should check what temp they like? maybe a heat lamp would help. it might also be lack of food or variety. i think they can eat meal worms maybe try those or feeding them more often.

    whatever youre doing sounds ok because 4 years is a long time

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