Our fire adjuster for our rental insurance won't return phone calls (4 in a row, over a few weeks). We had total replacement value of our stuff. At the beginning (last July) working with her was very easy, but in March she started to completely ignore us. I was finishing up the first year of law school, so my end moved slow, but I continually asked her if she was ok with the pace, and she said she was. When I finally pieced together my first draft of a list to get reimbursed, she started ignoring me. I don't know who her supervisor is.
I mostly am trying to ask her questions, not asking for $$.
Should I just replace all the stuff that I am need to without checking in, or should I get an attorney to sue? Here in Washington, if the insurance agent acts in bad faith they are responsible for attorney's fees, but if this ruins my chances of getting a reasonable settlement....