
Fire place with boiler behind? where can I buy a new fire place thats for show and allows a boiler?

by  |  earlier

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in my living room is a really ugly fire place, not a real one its gas as the boiler is behind it.

I want a new one but everyone is saying I cant as it has the boiler behind

is that true? or can I buy a new case




  1. With a gas back boiler, you have to have a suitable gas fire in front of it. If you dont, you will have carbon monoxide fumes coming into the room. Good Enough!!!

  2. I think wood burners can be fitted, as some of these can have water boilers behind them.

  3. The chances are you have a Baxi Boiler behind your fire. Look in Yellow Pages For Shops that sell gas fires. The dealer should check and see what kind of boiler you have. You can get a great  fire to go with your boiler without changing your boiler. I got a great fire place to go with my new  fire.( I have a back boiler).I got it from my local Baxi dealer  but other gas dealers do sell fires for back boilers .They will do great fire places as well.


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