
Fired from job question?

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I was just fired from my lawn care job today. I was overheard by my boss saying "I don't know if I did the entire lawn, who cares I won't be working here next year anyway" He says he can no longer trust me. I did do the entire lawn, I was just pissed about the recent pay adjustments that have been put into effect, I am making much less than I was last year. I asked him to go out to the property with me and see that I was not skipping anything, he said he was too busy. Is this right?!! I have been a dedicated employee there for 3 years now and he didn't even give me a warning or anything. Can I collect unemployment (Minnesota)? What should I do?




  1. The employer can generally fire you at any time, for any reason.  It's unfortunate that you weren't given a chance to prove yourself, but it isn't illegal.

    In terms of UI, each case is decided on its own merits.  Go ahead and apply for it.  Some small companies don't have the time or the know-how to dispute every claim.  If they do dispute it, you will still have the right to file an appeal.  Tell the truth on your application, that you believe you were terminated based on a remark your boss overhead that you didn't plan to be working there a year from now.  It will be your word against his and often in those cases they find for the claimant.

    Good luck.

  2. Yes he can legally fire you.  Whether you can get unemployment will depend on the decision of the unemployment people, which will depend partially on what you, and your former employer, tell them  - apply and see what they say.

  3. Tell him to go f*** himself. Yes you can collect unemployment if you were fired.

  4. Not sure if you can collect UI because lawn care is a seasonal job. Maybe though!!  

  5. Well you can try to put in for unemployment however it does not mean you will receive it.  Instead of living off tax payers money you should go out and look for another job.

  6. Yes, the employer can fire you, no he did not have to go out and verify whether what you said was true or not. If you made that kind of a comment that would give him and indication that you were not doing your job. You work in an at-will state meaning the employer can let you go "at-will" meaning without notice, and without a reason. He did not let you go for an illegal reason (age, s*x, religion, political affiliation or any of the other protected classes) so he was able to do so.

    Yes, you can file for unemployment benefits, but you were let go "for cause" meaning that you were fired for doing something wrong. If the employer were to contest your claim for benefits they would most likely win and you would not get paid benefits. If they do not fight the claim then you may get benefits depending on what you put down on your application as the reason for being let go from your job.

  7. I know what you can do...LEARN TO KEEP YOUR BIG MOUTH SHUT! And if you are going to talk c** least make sure you are not too loud..and that YOUR BOSS IS NOT AROUND!  

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