
Fired over my boss.?

by  |  earlier

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I worked for the local fair caring for the show animals that people entered in. this morning I got a phone call right before I stepped out the door to get to work from my co-worker telling me that everyone in the barn we worked in just got fired. they gave no reason to our boss, just that him and us were fired.

When I got there I asked one of the board of directors what we did that made us all get fired and she said that the staff did nothing, that they wanted to get david(he was my boss/superviser) out because they didnt like him and because they didnt want problems with the other people that worked there, they fired all of us.

Is that even a real reason to fire people? We were hired by him but we worked for the fair.

I never signed anything that said they could fire us because they didnt want problems.




  1. You really need to seek legal counsel.  You may be able to start a class action suit as a group.

    To fire someone this day and age you need to document and validate incompetence or laziness.  Even then it takes quite a while to make sure that you the employer can win the inevitable lawsuit.

    See legal counsel.  They did not go about firing you in a proper manner unless there are terms in your employment contract that you violated.

    If you have performed your job in a proper and professional manner and worked in good faith, then you have not violated the terms of your employment.

    Just because the boss needed to be fired, does not mean that you all need to be fired.

    Seek legal counsel.

  2. "At will" employment means you can be hired or fired at any time for any reason or no reason at all.  Unless you have a written contract stating a specific term of employment and specific grounds and notice periods for terminating that contract, you have nothing to say about it.

  3. That is terrible but there is nothing you can do. They can fire you for no reason if they want. They are not nice people.

  4. You do not indicate which state you reside, but in most states are "at will" employment which means you can quit at any time for no reason and you can be terminated at any time at no reason.  If you reside in one of those states, any sort of suit would not be a recourse and no lawyer would take your "case".

    Unless you were employed full time and had been a full time employee at least somewhere the past 18 months, you would not qualify for unemployment.
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