
Firedepartmens and hospitals are close during Hurricanes??

by  |  earlier

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I think that's what i heard.

so are hospitals close. since people are evacuating, does you boss fire you for not coming to work.

who works at the hospitals if doctors have evacuated.

if your evacuating do you ask for vaction or does the boss understand if you aint coming. How does that work.




  1. everything is locked down. people have been fired for not working. i use to work at a air force base and was told if i did not show up for work i would be fired. i did not show up and guess what, katrina hit.

    you don't ask for vacation you won't get it as a rule, unless you have a very understanding boss. the big whigs leave, and leave us menial workers to suffer the storm.  good luck  

    ps. if you are union they can't fire you for not showing up.

  2. If you're in an area under mandatory evacuation, you'll be excused. You won't get PAID, but you'll be excused.

  3. I'm in florida and I work at a hospital. It really depends on how bad the hurricane is. I mean if it's a 2 or 3 all of us crazy...err.. caring *smiling* hospital employee's are either stuck there working the duration of the hurricane until relief shows up or you are at home with a good excuse to not go to work. If It's a 4 or 5 we usually evacuate the hospital to surrounding hospitals (i.e hospitals up north out of the hurricane area) and sometimes help at those hospitals or just leave them there and go home to our own families. Either way, it's not a vacation and any boss should understand that.  

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