
Firefighter physical exam?

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I am 18 Just graduated from high school. I tried to join the military, but got DQ'ed due to scoliosis (which is spinal curvature). I am trying to choose the right career. I want to be able to help & work with ppl. I've always had a great admiration for firefighters, and I am looking into it. I know that in order to be accepted into the firefighter program, you first have to do a physical. Is scoliosis a disqualifing factor in a firefighter physical? I am in good physical and moral health. I never knew that something was wrong with my back. I play football, baseball and basketball like a normal person.




  1. If you are able to pass the firefighter physical agility test I don't think scoliosis can keep you out.  If you play football and the rest you should be able to pass it.  In my department it wouldn't disqualify you, but it probably depends on your department.  You'd have to look into each department for which you apply.  

    If you can get in touch with the recruitment officer ask him straight out.  You'll want to know before you start the testing process, which is long and very competitive.  And you will want to be honest because they will find out.

    good luck.

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