
Firefighting questions?

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I have a small problem with spelling and with math sometimes it hard for me to say certain words(I have dysleixa) And i heard you have to be like a genious to be a firefighter( I have 6 A and 1 B) And you can't muss up on anything. I'm a quick thinker and problem solver and I'am really into firefighting and stuff like that.

Any help would be good

Sorry if i miss a couple word spelling on or things like that...





  1. Well I don't know how old you are or where you are located but you can be anything you want to be.  I am a 41 year old woman who was a certified fire fighter for a small town in South Dakota. It was a volunteer position but I had to become certified and train every month.  If you are under 18 and live in a area that has volunteer fire dept.'s, get the fire captains name and call and ask if they have an intern program for high schoolers.  If you are over 18 (some may require you to be 21) all you have to do is follow the requirements of that dept to join and they will train you.  If you don't live in an area where there are volunteer dept.'s, go to a firehouse and speak with the firefighters.  They will give you the best information on the what,where and how to be a paid firefighter.  If I could pass the test and physical requirements, anyone can.  Good luck!

  2. HEY FIREFIGHTER<  you can be anything you want to be if you want it bad enough   Good luck

  3. Firefighting isn't about academics-it's about physical ability--there is some coursework involved-and it may be harder for you-but  you cna fight fires....

  4. HangedFrog has the best answer IMO. The hardest is the physical but that's what's needed in a crisis but also quick thinking. Every second can make a difference.

    BTW if you like firefighting, you might like this blog story of mine about Firefighting in Japan - modern and old times. In the past their firefighters would pull down buildings to keep the flames from spreading, They also did acrobatics on ladders.


  5. Having Dyslexia will not stop you from being a firefighter. Having a criminal record might, but having Dyslexia wont. It is not a physical problem, you can still be fighting fit and super strong. You do not need to be a genius, but you do need to be strong. So you had best start training now. Good luck mate !

  6. If you are looking at volunteer instead of paid, you will have a much better chance (assuming you have volunteer departments near where you live.)

    However, I have known some people that were well below 3.0,  C+ average... Others that can't spell worth a c**p, and I personally hate math..  

    I would say overall it is 80% ability and 20% academics..  EXCEPT you have alot of academics to get the ability. but once you get thru the classes, it should not be too tough.  

    There are certain critical skills or critical steps in skill you can't mess up on, however, during your training, you practice, and practice and practice and train yourself not to miss those steps and actually develop some muscle memory when dealing with the repeated actions..

    The hardest thing that most people have with firefighting is

    1. Phobias.. If they are scared of hights or water or darkness or masks over their face.. They bail out of class usually in the first couple of weeks.

    2. Poor Physical shape.. mainly Cardio..  when testing for positions, most people do the worst on the physical ability test.. because they get winded way too fast.

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