
Firehawk? please answer!!!?

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can you give me some details on it. i love all the coasters at kings island but i've never rode the firehawk. is it scary? does it jerk you? do you like it? i don't know why i'm so nervous to ride it but please help me =]

thanks =]




  1. It's a piece of cake!  Don't fret my friend, it's a really fun coaster.  It is one of my favs at the park.  The scariest part of the ride is the roll at the top of the lift hill.  It is an erie feeling the first time you ride it, but it is a great ride.  It is a very smooth ride, one of the smoothest vekoma's you will ever ride.

  2. hummm, the firehawk. My prodejey, I work at K.I. so i know a thing or two about it. The ride is smooth, no jerks, and makes you FLY, the ride is totally worth the Long wait. I like it. If your nervous, clear your mind of the bad things. and wait in line, once your on it, you'll want to get off, BUT, don't. You'll want off alot in the first couple minutes, but once they turn you upside down..... YOu'll forget about everything else and have fun. Good Luck... Katie

  3. Its really fun.

    Its worth waiting as well.

    I think its an exhilerating experience, and the ride is

    very smooth in my opinion.

    it feels like your flying, and its AMAZING.

    I would say that you should like Roller Coasters if you want to go on.  If your like ABSOLUTELY TERRIFIED of Roller Coasters, then dont do it.  But I honestly think you will loveee it =] Hope that helps!

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