
Firist car buying options?

by  |  earlier

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is leasing a car for your first car a good option?

so that the person doesnt get tired of the car, and so they dont drive as much as they will be trying to keep the miles off the car and below your lease mileage agreement.

and would insurance rates be different with a leased car. would they be higher or lower?

answers are appreciated.




  1. I would like to recommend you possess as much information as you can before taking action,here is a good place for that purpose.

  2. Buy an electric car! the insurance is 1/4 the price, they are cheap to fix, they are cheap to plate and very fun to drive!

    Zero air pollution too!

    No gas pumping needed

  3. leasing a car is like leasing a girl. you'll put so much commitment to it (paying monthly) and eventually pay it off, and once you do, that car/girl is no longer there.

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