
First 1day event!!?

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It's my first 1day event on sunday the 13th. i'm really nervous an no one i know, knows that much about horses i need tips for the day has anyone got any usefull one's.!!





  1. When you head into the arena keep your posture as well as you can, they will mark off points. Also, it is very easy to get frustrated whne your eventing. Make sure yout ry your hardest to keep your cool, and keep all your focus on your horse instead of the 40,000 dollar horse in the stall next to you.

  2. 1.  Relax.

    2.  Go the day before, or whenever it's allowed, and walk the course.  Even a very green beginner course can be walked, and it'll make you much more confident when you're actually doing it.

    3.  Some 1 days allow you to school on the course the day before.  If you possibly can, do so.

    4.  Scope out where the dressage ring is, where the jumps'll be set up for stadium jumping, where you'll be parking, where the exercise areas for the various phases are, and so on.  That way you won't be running around like crazy looking for stuff and getting hot and bothered.

    5.  Get all your tack and clothing ready days before the event.  You've probably got more equipment to take then for a regular horse show, and the first one of the season always takes the longest to get this stuff organized for.  Pack it all so it's easy to get to, in the order you'll need it.

    6.  Give yourself plenty of time and get there early.  Leave your horse tied to the trailer, or however you'll handle it, with some hay.  Let him relax a bit while you get entered, get your number, etc., etc., etc.

    7.  Find out the times you'll be doing each phase, so you'll be able to plan your day.

    8.  When it's time, tack up for the 1st phase - usually dressage, but some of these informal ones do it in different orders.  Warm up slowly, concentrating on getting him listening to you and not thinking about the other things going on around him.  Don't take too long, you'll tire him out, but get him really listening.

    9.  Do that phase, concentrating as hard as you can on everything you've learned.  

    10.  Forget that phase, good or bad.  It's done.

    11.  Back to the trailer, untack, relax as long as possible before the next phase.  Water the horse.

    12.  When it's time, repeat steps 8 -11 for the second phase.

    13.  When it's time, repeat steps 8-11 for the third phase.

    14.  You'll get into the swing of it quickly.  Just remember to relax and have fun!  We do this cuz we like to, not becuz we have to!

  3. Deep breaths haha

    You will be fine.

    A good tip is just make sure you are very organised the night before you go, and allow extra time for everything.

    Enjoy yourself good luck!

  4. zephania666's advice for the day is great especially about just letting go of what happened in each phase once it is done.  Think of each of the three parts as an individual and don't think about any of the other bits until you get them or they may distract you.  

    Walk the course the day before if possible so you know exactly what you are going to be doing.  If there are then any areas that you are concerned about you can work out in advance how you are going to handle them.  

    Just stay calm, give yourself plenty of time and enjoy yourself.  

    Good luck!

  5. mmmmmkkkk here is what you need to do

    First it is very good that you have thought about this in advance! good job.

    Alright make yourself a list

    1. Tack (make sure all of your take is "safe" judges are big on that) Also you need to have someone do a tack check for you before you go maybe a trainer or someone that you can find that knows about that kind of thing even if you are not well aquainted with them

    2. Grooming kit

    3. Give your horse a bath the night before and blanket him/her you will also need to braid there mane and tail

    If your horses mane is short  then band it

    After you give your horse a bath do not let him role and put a blanket or a slinkie on him

    Make sure all of your clothes are clean!

    Practice before you go! Make your horse jump over jumps with flowers and scary things by them

    When you go to the show arrive very early two hours before at least so you have time to warm up and walk the coarse

    have your pattern completely memorized!

    Keep walking your horse around so he is not tied to the trailer all day sometimes when they get nervous at a show and have to stand for a while they can colic and make sure that your horse has a really good sulppy of water!

    Keep calm and your horse will be calm listen to your mp3 player to get your mind off things and remember your always being judged during warm up time and even from the minute you step out of your trailer

    I hope this helps good luck!!!
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