
First 5k ever tomorrow?

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Tomorrow, I'm running in my first 5k ever.

I haven't really trained for it-at school, we do only up to 1 mile, so that's what i train for. I have, however, run longer distances before w/out too much trouble.

I can do one mile really easily, so I'm thinking 3 miles won't kill me.

I just want to know if you have any tips-how to run the thing, what to eat before (yes, we have no bananas), and anything else, such as how to stretch or something.

Also, I would like to know what pace rate to run at.

My fastest mile was 6:14.

Before I kickstarted training, I did almost 1 3/4 mile in 12 min. I'm guessing I can do almost 2 miles in that time by now, but it'll leave me exhausted.

I wanna get at about 26 min., since that's what my friend got, and we're really competitive.

Thank you for any info you might have.




  1. It is kinda hard to say what pace you should run at, but judging by the times provided I think you should easily be able to keep a seven min mile pace the whole way, but there are a lot of factors that effect your pace. Terrain for instance, hills and rocky surfaces typically slow people down

    As to what you should eat I really can't say different things work for different people, you just have to find out whats right for you. I personally like pasta and hamburgers it is what works for me I had a friend and salads were his thing.

  2. eat a lot of carbs the night before like my family always have spagetti. 26 is a great goal for a first 5k, thats about what i got on my first. Eat a light breakfast, depending on how early it is, maybe a power bar and you should be filling up on water all week. dont go to the bathroom RIGHT before you run unless you have to. STRETCH!!!! also, dont give in and sprint at the beginning, you will pass them soon. Dont give up at the two mile mark, try not to walk. sprint the last hundred meters or sooo, think your almost there and pass those last few people.

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