
First Aid Checklist - What Essentials Should A First Aid Survival Kit Contain?

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Looking to get my checklist (and first aid basics) right.




  1. Your first aid checklist -

    1 packet of 50 individually wrapped adhesive dressings

    4 sterile eye pads

    4 sterile coverings for serious wounds

    4 triangular bandages

    8 small sterile unmedicated wound dressings

    4 medium sterile unmedicated wound dressings

    4 large sterile unmedicated wound dressings

    1 roll adhesive tape

    2 crepe bandages

    2 elastic bandages

    12 safety pins

    1 pair scissors

    1 pair disposable gloves

    1 resuscitation mask

    1 pair tweezers

    First aid booklet

  2. first-aid manual

    sterile gauze

    adhesive tape

    adhesive bandages in several sizes

    elastic bandage

    antiseptic wipes


    antibiotic cream (triple-antibiotic ointment)

    antiseptic solution (like hydrogen peroxide)

    hydro cortisone cream (1%)

    acetaminophen and ibuprofen

    extra prescription medications (if the family is going on vacation)


    sharp scissors

    safety pins

    disposable instant cold packs

    calamine lotion

    alcohol wipes or ethyl alcohol


    plastic gloves (at least 2 pairs)

    flashlight and extra batteries

    mouthpiece for administering CPR (can be obtained from your local Red Cross)

    your list of emergency phone numbers

    blanket (stored nearby)


    MREs or something to that effect

    pads & tampons(Great for makeshift bandages)

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