
First Australians?

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What migratory path did the first people travel to get to Australia, when was it and how did they get to Australia? Can any suggestions you make be backed up with evidence, such as DNA traces etc?




  1. DNA studies suggest that the Australian Aborigines followed a coastal path around the southern coast of India and across the Indonesian archipelago to Australia.  At the  time, sea levels were lower so there was only one hop across water between Bali and Lombok.

  2. They are part of the Austronesian language group originally came from Asia via Indonesia.

    Can't back it up with any evidence because (just like you) I can't be bothered doing the research.

  3. The first Aboriginal people arrived on the northwest coast of Australia between 65,000 and 40,000 years ago. The archaeological evidence suggests that Aboriginal people traded with Macassans and the peoples of southern Java for thousands of years. Aboriginal people eventually populated the entire continent of Australia constantly hunting the birds, fish and animals and taking advantage of the land’s resources. That was until the coming of Europeans in the 1600’s.

    For migratory path go to
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