
First Babysitting Job HELP (please)?

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Okay so it's for two very sweet little girls. It's 6:30pm to 11:30pm, I know pretty late, but it's still a job. I'm a 12 year old girl by the way, I've taken CPR and AID classes, and I love kids. I'm just kinda worried, you know, it's my first time, but I'm confident. I was just wondering if you guys could give me any possible tips you know to help this job become successful, I'd really appreciate it. Thanks, and 10 points! ;)




  1. yes. ask the parents what the girls are allergic to. ask them their daily routine, wat time they need to go to sleep, wat time they eat and wat should they eat. Also ask for emergency numbers and a way to contact them. Be alert that if they have a safety alarm, learn how to use it.

    also make sure you dont panic, if you panic, the children will panic. Make sure you keep an eye on them and do activities that include all of you :]

    keep the kids entertained, it keeps them out of trouble. Make sure they dont play with items that can make them choke if they are toddlers. take a toilet paper roll and if the item is smaller than that, they will most likely put it in their mouth and swallow it. Avoid giving baths, you wouldnt want them to drown.

    remember accidents may occur, but learn how to handle them.

    most of all have fun :] dont be nervous and youll do fine, i guarantee it.

  2. - Get a list of emergency contact numbers from the parents.  Ask them in advance whats types of things they want to be contacted for while they are out.  Try to figure out if they are the kind of couple that want to be called over every little thing, or only in emergencies.  Make sure the emergency list includes an adult that is nearby (like a neighbor or relative) in case you need them.

    - Talk to the parents about the house rules.  Find out what the kids are and are not allowed to do so you can enforce the same rules.  Also included in that would be things that you are and are not allowed to do.  For example, they might or might not mind if you use the phone, help yourself to snacks, use their computer, etc.  Its better to find out in advance than to have to apologize for something later.

    - Get the specifics on the kids routine.  What time is bedtime,bath time, etc and stick to the schedule.

    - Since you will be alone semi-late at night, ask them to show you around the house so you feel more comfortable.  Keep all the doors locked after they leave.  Ask if they want you to answer the phone and take messages or if they would rather you just let the machine pick up.

    - Have some fun games planned to keep the kids occupied.  Depending on how old they are you could bring movies, or come up with a fun craft or game that they may not have done before.  They will want you to come back again and again to play!

    - Don't let the kids out of your sight (unless they are sleeping).

    - When in doubt about something, call your mom!  I did that a lot when babysitting.  If I got scared, or the kids seemed sick, or got hard to handle, I would call my mom for advice.  It was great to have her on call to help out if I needed.  

    Good luck, I am sure you will do great!  

  3. yeah ask the parent how they discipline the kids to keep consistancy

    and keep your cool, the moment you loose control of yourself you lost, your the adult in the mather who need to keep your head cool

  4. YOU'RE LUCKY!! I LOVE babysitting good kids!!!

    (1) Make sure you write down and remember everything the parent tells you to do.

    (2) Keep your eye on every kid at ALL times.

    (I was one of the kids that ran off because I found something more fun to do-My mom said that one time in the mall I was there and then she turned around and I wasn't. I got on a car a was driving it!!)

    I've heard stories though where someone didn't have their eye on a kid.

    But really, it only a second for a kid to get scissors to cut their hair.

    It probably won't happen, but you have to expect EVERYTHING with kids.

    (3) I try to make the time really fun for them

    .. Like play games or cook something yummy after asking the parent if I could. But only do things that everybody wants to do and try to get them all excited about whatever it is.

    (4) Do a little dishes - Everyone LOVES coming home to a cleaner house. AND if you do a little dishes and someone else doesn't, there's a good chance that they'd choose you next time they'd need you.

    But - Maybe do this the second time because if you do it the first time you babysit, naturally, they'll expect it from you, and if you miss a time and they're expecting it, it's a let down.

    .. Yes it's very important that they tell you if their kids are allergic too anything.

    Every time I babysat, the parent would give me contact information before they left - I've never had to ask. They should give them to you before they leave... Just make sure you have that before they leave. And while they're there you can ask them if you can make chocolate chip cookies with the girls (If you would like to)

    ----It'll be fine, just don't relax too much : ) Just pay 100% attention to everything and EVERYTHING will be great.----You're SO lucky! It'll be a blast with them!

    Have a good night!!

  5. you'll be a hit! i babysat when i was your age and the kids loved me! just play whatever games they want to play or watch a movie or whatever and have a good time!  

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