
First Car expenses?

by  |  earlier

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for a first car how much would be looking to pay, i dont really mind how it goes so it gets me from A to B no car inparticular.

And so i can afford the insurance, straight after starting to drive.

I could always try fronting (put parents names on insurance), but wouldnt want go get caught.

How much would i expect to pay roughly.

I know it's a very generalised question sorry

thanks x




  1. For young drivers, the insurance is high dependant on the risk.

  2. Great design, resourceful information,user-friendly layout should be a good place to answer your questions.

  3. So far as the insurance is concerned, the ok way to do it is you are the main driver but a parent is a named driver.

    Cost of insurance depends on make, model, your age, where car is kept etc.

    If you pay less than £1000 a year as a first driver you will be doing well.

    My son is 22 driving a Corsa 1.2 and he pays £1200 as main driver with me named driver.

  4. I don't know why everyone is giving you car insurance prices.  You asked about a car.  You part about insurance just states that you can afford it.  Unless it is a typo or oddly put...

    But my first car (and current car) was bought February of 2004.  It's a Chevy Cavalier LS 1997.  A little under 50,000 miles (I believe it was about 500 under).  I didn't drive it until end August/ early September 2004.  Still going strong except routine maintenance.  I bought it for $5,000.  I intend to have it for at least another 5 years.

    So I would say for the price of a car, 5,000 or under for a cheap one.  You can find ones for under that, too.  Right now I have two friends selling theirs for under 3,000.

    And congrats to you for paying everything yourself! I paid for mine all by myself, too.  I hate those spoiled little brats who get their parents to buy them $20,000 cars. (Or ANY car)

    Wish you well!

  5. Get your parents to put your car on their insurance.  My son is in the military, and I put his car on my insurance policy so it is cheaper, and legal.  For one year, two cars, I pay $729.  If he had to insure the car himself, it would cost him $1158 a year.  You can always give your parents money to make up for the difference in payment there is going to be with your car on their policy.

  6. if want to move from a to b and if you want practical car as well, get vauxhall vectra, 1.6 LS or 1.8. insurance is very cheap as it is in insurance group 6-9 depending on engine. another good thing having vectra is that parts are cheap and even if worst happens and you have engine problems, you face about £200-300 not more. and it is very reliable and easy to drive. great first car. you can get nice one for about £800 and thats it, you wont need to spend any money on it.

    and I was 19 when I got it and I was paying about £70 with internation driving license and if you have UK it must be cheaper.

  7. Dude I wouldn't pay any more than £2-3000, I dare say you'll have an accident ( I did )!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. Depends on what state you live in and what type of coverage you need....

    Ex: NJ could cost you 2000  a year, full coverage and PA can cost you 800 a year, full coverage.

    try to get quotes on :

  9. ok, you left out a vital piece of info- your age, im going of your nickname as 19.

    ok car= £500

    tax = £140 -£200

    MOT = atleast £40 unless the car comes with one.

    Insurance- her we go! anything from around £800 (if your lucky) to £1600 - this will depend on your car, i suggest a ford fiesta either 1300cc or less, preferably not to old.

    go for third party fire and theft only,  be careful about mileage, about 10000 is resonably small, go for this area. also check out, they really are quite good, but don't forget to ring the insurer first, sometimes they give you a cheaper price, if you haggle like a gentleman!
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