
First Day Back Ideas for Student Council !!!?

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Ok so Im going into grade 10 which means im just starting high school. (in Canada middle school is grade 7,8,9 and high school is grade 10,11,12 , just incase you live in America) So anyway, i got accepted over the summer for the student council and im really excited and happy. Right now we're trying to think of some ideas for the first day back to school, some things focusing stuff for the new grade 10's and then for everybody in the school. I really want to have some good ideas for the next meeting so if anyone had some good ideas that would be great!

Thanks for any answers ! :)




  1. Have like an assembly or something where each or the students intro. each other and tell them their likes and dislikes.

  2. what we do for all the newbies at my school is we give them tours of the school offer free toutoring and have peer consulting which is a program where students talk to older students in class advice and social/personal advice.

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