
First Day Of College Coming Up.. Any Ideas For Outfit?

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Has anyone got any ideas for a outfit that will look nice for my first day of college on September 1st? Im looking for something fashionable and relatively cheap. Im male and 16.Please help anyone , Thanks




  1. its not exactly the fashion date of the year. go for something simple that looks good. a bright t-shirt or a long sleeve tee with a stone wash pair of jeans


  3. keep it casual this site has some great menswear shops on

  4. A short dress. Some high heels, big hoop earings and a huge blond nrow wig.

    You will Look Fabulous

    . LOL Kidding.

    Wear a black and white shirt (checkered boxes)  Some plain looking jeans and relatively new lookin trainers.

    If your ears are pierced wear a silver small ear ring.

    Wear nice clothes taht you fell you can wear at home too :-)

  5. Are You really male?

  6. Don't look like a stiffie in a pengiun suit!! A decent pair of jeans and a fairly clean shirt will do the trick. Don't worry about top fashion, most folk will just be wearing jeans and some comfortable top. If you feel out of place on day one, you can always try to mimic what you have seen. I'm sure that comfy and casual will do fine!! Good luck...  

  7. jeans and tshirt. No football colours as college don't allow them.

  8. Grab a top from Topman and a brand-new pair of jeans from Replay..U'll do fine..

  9. simple, dont draw attention to yourself at 16 on campus; it'll suck me, i know cuz i went through it! wear earth tones, nothing brand new (2nd hand shops are good). USED backpack, notebook and accessories.  look like this is your 3rd year, not first. dont wear sandals, that's out, be comfy, wait to see which class has the hotties, then dress appropriately.  sunglasses are good if you dont wear them in doors like a stoner. also, dont try to make any statements for a doo-rags, bandanas, holes, cut offs, piercings, etc. ppl will label you and then you're screwed if you need help from a college subspecies.  also, walking around with earbuds is out; looks like you give a rat's about life in general. nope, stay upbeat, nice, but not loud or too cool with what you wear.

    good luck.

    PS-when a girl sits by you in math class, LIE and tell her you're a sophomore on campus

  10. you're in college now. you have to look preppy but not to lame at the same time. Don't sag, but wear blue jeans sorta skinny, a long sleeve gray shirt, and some cool white converse, or like red vans or something. throw on some silver bling. Spike up your hair to look hot.

  11. something not too flashy nor too dressy. (not jeans and running shoes)I'm not a guy, but one thing I always find looks nice on a guy are those beige pants (I forgot what they're called but they have tons of pockets) and a darker top.

    hope that helps.


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