
First Day Of Day Care

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today was my sons first day of daycare and all day all i could think of was what was he doing, is he still crying, should i go and get him.

when it was time to get him he said "mom i miss you"

hes two and ive been with him everyday since birth. i know its the right thing to do for him, he can learn to play with other kids and lots of other things.

How was your childs first day of day care or school?




  1. Actually, the first day of daycare was ok for my 18month old. By day 3 and 4 she would start throwing a fit as soon as we pulled into the parking lot of the daycare. This continued everyday for the next 3 weeks. Finally she just got used to going and now she loves it. It was very hard on me to drop her off when she seemed so unhappy going, but I knew that it would be good for her to socialize with kids her own age. Besides that she seems to be learning so much more than she did when she was at home with me all day long.  

  2. I am a parent of one 3 year old and a day care teacher for 18-24 month olds. This I know is a really hard time for you. My daughter started going to daycare right after her first birthday and it was extremely hard dropping her off while she was kicking and screaming. Her first few days were fine, but eventually she started throwing tantrum as soon as we pulled up to the day care.(This was all before I was a daycare teacher). Now from actually working at her daycare, I know that all the fussing is just for show. Almost all children will calm down within the first five minutes after the parents leave. Then they are so busy for the rest of the day playing with their new friends and learning that they forget that they miss you. Plus its so great picking them up and seeing how happy they are to see you. Now that my daughter is 3, I love hearing about her friends at school and all the new things she is learning. The only advice I really have for you is to just be strong. You're son will learn to love day care!

  3. I hope these ideas will help you and your son in transitioning to daycare.

    1. Take the time to transition him. Pick him up to give him short days at school.for a day or so.

    2. give him a small photo book of pictures of the people who are important to him. Mommy, daddy, sibling, aunt, the family pet, a special babysitter. He can hold and look at the pictures when he is having missing feelings.

    3. Call and check on him get a report on how he is doing. It might help for him to say hello and tell him when you will pick him up  after you eat your afternoon snack.

    4. If you pack his lunch draw a picture or write a note telling him you miss him but to have a good nap.

    5. Read the daily note that you get about his day. This should help to connect you to his day.

    6. You could make him a book. When your at School

    Have the teachers take pictures of the different ares of the room. ex. housekeeping, block area etc. and then take pictures of what you do when he is in school your at home cleaning, you at work etc.

    and write something like: when Joey is playing with cars mommy cleaning the kitchen this way he can connect with what you are doing when he at school.

    7. Most kids settle down before the parents are in their cars. You should trust your teachers to tell you if he is have diffucult time seperating and ask them how they want to handle it.

    8. When you leave be brave, even if you are feeling bad. Act like you are happy and want him to be happy at school. Let him know this is the right place for him to be when your working. and that his teachers will take care of him and you will see him at the end of the day. and leave without hesiation.

    I looks like a lot of suggestions but hopefully these help ease your transition into daycare.

  4. Tomorrow is my granddaughters first day at daycare so I'm just as nervous as my son and DIL. Her parents are teachers but last year my DIL subbed 2 days a week so I watched her. Now my DIL has her own class. I'll have her mon wed fri and she will be in daycare tues and thursdays. I hope she is happy tomorrow and not freaked out. I am the only one who ever babysits her.

    My sons first day at day care was fine, but it was a parent co-op. I think he did great, but that was 27 years ago.  

  5. It took my oldest 2 weeks to get used to day care, she cried, screamed and threw a tantrum for two weeks.  On the 2nd Friday they told me that if she continued that behavior the following Monday it might be best if I place her into another day care with more One on one caregiver time.  

    On the third Monday I dropped her off, she hugged me and walked into the classroom holding onto one care giver's hand.  When I went to pick her up she was having a great time playing when she spotted me she came running up to me, gave me a hug then started pushing me out the door telling me to go home!  She was having a good time and didn't want to leave!  

    My middle and youngest were just fine with day care because they had been in day care since infancy.  
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