
First Day at a new school?

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I am starting at a completely new school this week, where I don't know anybody. All of my friends reckon I'm too shy and will struggle to fit in, as this school is a lot different form my last one, does anyone have any ideas as to how I can start a conversation with people or just make friends with people?




  1. what school is it?

    st michael's in north london by any chance?

    we're getting a new girl called 'mandy'

  2. just be confident and you should be fine

  3. well when i was in year three i started at a new school and i was equally shy.

    howver, i sat on a table with a girl and we became best friends

    i suppose it depends what year you are in. i suppose if your in secondary school, you could say to a girl ''hi! im (name)'' and start a conversation off from there


    you could talk about how annoying the teacher is or how nice the teacher is.

    im sorry im not very good at helping :s


  4. well have confidence and make new freinds then again if people are plaing football then goo join them make new freinds and tell a loke they will have a giggle and you will have some freinds so

    GOOD LUCK!! :}


  5. I know exactly how you feel, I had to deal with something like this a few years back.

    I moved from an overpopulated district to one no one actually heard of before. I was scared silly, and felt like I was just so different. I had History with someone, and she introduced herself to me, and I introduced myself to her. Somehow, we just hit it off, and she became one of my closest friends.

    Unfortunately, sometimes something like this won't happen, so you have to gasp the oppurtunity by yourself. I learned my lesson the first day of after school. Everyone had a "clique" and I was pretty much alone. So, one day, when I noticed that someone was alone, I walked up to him, and went like, "Hello, my name's....., I'm new here. What's your name?" He introduced himself, and we became friends too, even though he was a grade older than me.

    Something else I tried was to jump into a conversation. Someone would ask about class work, and I would answer. As you can see, this option didn't always work, it did--a couple of times.

    I was shy too, but sooner or later, you'll adjust. There is at least one peron in that new school that is kind, and will introduce herself/himself to you. I know because that's what I do. Right now, I'm becoming fast friends with a freshman because she was wondering around. My friends and I just sort of "adopted" her.

    Just introduce yourself. Don't be scared, they won't think you're crazy! Just think of how you made friends when you were little!

  6. I'm in the same situation, I start on Tuesday, scared, lol. But just smile, lol. Speak about what it was like at your old school, find out who's gonna be in your classes and just try and find something you have in common with people. Music, sport..?

    Good luck! x

  7. Here's a conversation you can have with someone you don't know but would like to:

    You: Hey there:)

    Them:Um, hey.

    You:I like your (insert something you like about them)

    Them: Thank You !

    You: I'm (name goes here), btw.

    Them: I'm (your name goes here).

    You: *laugh a bit* So what do you think of (insert something you like here)?

    Hope this helps you :)

    Mine, plz?

  8. don't worry iam sure u will fit in :)

    as for a good conversation starter try...what class is next?

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