
First Day of School helpp! 10 points best answer!?

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here is my outfit choices. pick one pleaseee!



and black converse.


with skinny jeans.and converse.


but in stead of the leggings, dark wash skinny jeans, lighter gray tank top, and black converse. and id wear the cardigan un buttoned.




  1. 2!!! in my opinion that is perfect for the first day of skool. i mean id wear it!!

  2. first off GO DELIA*S!!!

    i love the first one best. the purple jeans are soooo cute. they arent bright but its a cool color. that shirt is really cute and i love those converse. i actually have this outfit now that i think about it.


  3. i'd say the third one, because its more casual and it would give the message that you didnt go out and buy a whole new outfit just for a day - and its also something like i would wear (:

    but its up to you whatever you think you'd look good in - maybe try and picture yourself with each outfit on and get which ever one you think would look best?

    x maz.ox

  4. I love #2

  5. I would wear the first outfit. It looks unique, not what the average student is going to wearing. You should just add some colorful braclets.

  6. I love the 2nd one! get a bright necklace to go with it!


  7. the first one

  8. The second one is great for school. Its nice and bright. Dont forget to acceserizeee =] gud luck!

  9. all are cute except the 1st one. I like the 2nd the most. the 3rd is nice too but a bit dull and the 2nd has a nice cute ring to it. you've got good taste girly!!

  10. 22222

  11. 2nd one and where is that cardigan from in number 3? I love it!

  12. the 1st one definitely x

  13. i like number 2. it is really pertty. i am not too big on the last one though!

  14. I love the first two, but for the first day, you wanna stand out more so I would wear the first one. Its cute and fun. You can wear the second on on the second day of school.

  15. 2 is really cute. I love that sweater. 10 points please!

  16. i like the second one becuz its really cute

    i dont like first cuz shirt haz weird neckline

    i dont like third cuz cardigan is not flattering to the body

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