
First Film three questions?

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Im 15 and i have a really tight budget and i want to film and i was wondering i have a karaoke Mic and i was wondering if i plug it into my cam corder (I already bought the Adapter) i can use it as a Boom...and i need some small lighting techniques and how do you transfer the Cassette into a CD so i can edit....Sorry for the questions i really want to be a director and i wrote my script and i want to film it and make it look somewhat decent with good audio(i dont like that fuzzy sound on home videos) and lighting




  1. well a Karaoke mic can work but the quality won't be that great.  I'd recommend a cardioid shotgun mic so that its a more directional sound.  

    As for lighting, there are plenty of resources to show how to do 3 point lighting and basic how to's.  Send me an e-mail and I'll send you all the links and we can talk more about it.  Its a lot to take in.

    Now, if you're shooting on MiniDV then all you need to do is find a firewire or USB (firewire is better for video capture) and plug it into your computer.  Movie maker is fine for a beginner.

    Now if you're planning to be a director then your main focus is on the story; how well are you telling it.  A director is a storyteller and makes the choices that will tell the story in the best way possible.

    Send me an Instant Message if you want someone to bounce ideas and/or equipment issues off of.  I've got a bit of experience and a good amount of reference material.

  2. Well, firstly, do you have a film editing software better than Windows Movie Maker? If not, I suggest Vegas Movie's about $80, give or take. It's worth it though.

    A karaoke mike might work, though real mikes aren't very expensive. know those big yellow lights that construction workers use? See if your dad or neighbors have one you can borrow.

    You generally transfer from camcorder to USB drive, or something similar, via an adaptor cord.

  3. I'm a film maker myself, what kind of camera are you using? and the karaoke mic should work although the quality will be questionable.

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