
First Kiss......?????

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Who was the first person you kissed

Boyfriend,best friend,boy/girl next door...etc

how did it happen and how old were you




  1. My Girlfriend. 13. Got married to her at age 25.

  2. ahaha, well my step-dad has been seeing my mom for twelve years now & they weren't married when i was around six or seven & in his previous marriage there was a boy that was a few years older than me. like two or three years.. i thought he was handsome & i used to chase him around my house & then one day i kissed him in front of my mom & step-dad. it was funny but it wasn't like a real kiss. i had kisses (pecked) on the lips guy friends that i had crushes on but it didn't really mean anything to me. i'd say my first real kiss was with this guy i had a crush on for ten months. we were watching a movie & he knew i liked him & i had brought up the situation & then he told me he liked me too & he was just shy to tell me or ask me out. then the next day he asked me my face which i thought was really sweet. i was fifteen at this time. the sad part is i spent ten months liking him & i dumped him after four months because he was more into pot.. :(

  3. there was a gigantic orgy when i was like 6, good time good times

  4. i was 56 and i kissed my sister it was magical you go girl!

  5. My friend of three years since we both crushed on eachother; we were both 16, he was my boyfriend for a few months then i found out he was a womanizing pervert so now im with another long time friend and hes much better : )

  6. my first kiss for was with my first real boyfriend,

    we were snowboarding,

    had a fun time,

    then went into the lodge to relax,

    and it just happened :)

    I was 14.. haha kinda late for a first kiss I know, but hey! lol.

  7. I was about 2 days away from being 13, and it was for my 13th birthday party.

    It was my cute little boyfriend, Michael, and he was soooo sweet!!

    My friends locked me into a room with him with the song "I Do (Cherish You)" By 98 degrees.

    It was the cheesiest thing ever, but for that moment in time, I felt like a Princess :)

  8. mum - just after I was born

  9. I was 12 also!

  10. i was 12.and he was my middle school boyfriend!

  11. Never been kissed :(

  12. 13 at the last day of school after saying goodbye to my girlfriend for the summer.

    dumped her that afternoon over a text at a party.

  13. Edward my dreams...

    haha jk  

  14. My first kiss was when I was...12 I believe. It was either Grade 7 or 8, and it was with my boyfriend at the time who was also my next door neighbor.

    We went for a walk in the woods behind our houses and he stopped me on the walk and kissed me really quickly. I was so so so nervous and went severely red and got butterflies like crazy.

    Lol. It was awesome.

  15. I was 9, a girl from church..  

  16. i was in first grade and it was in the school coat hanger room. lol. but my frist real one was when i was 13 and he asked me

  17. It was with my first boyfriend and we were both 17. It was awkward because he was so shy, so I actually had to be the one to encourage it. I was getting out of the car, but before I did I told him I was waiting for something and smiled. He got the hint, leaned over, and gave me a peck on the lips. That's all it was.... a simply peck... barley a split second long even. I felt very disappointed because I was hoping it would last longer lol.

    But with my current boyfriend he acts surprised that my first boyfriend was so afraid to kiss me because he always tells me how great of a kisser I am lol.  

  18. I'm 23 years old. I still kiss my pillow every night coz I'm too ugly and no girl is interested in dating/kissing me.

  19. i Was 8 yrs old and with my neighbor she was twelve and in my apartment.......

  20. only on tuesdays

  21. ive kissed boys but i don't consider them my first cus it wasnt romantic and we didn't take our time..i made out with my grandmas neighbor and it was 4 of july ...and we took off on the docks of some park and i was like in the 7th grade he was a hunk lol ..

  22. for me it was a guy i hung out with alot and we were at the movies in different theaters and when my movie was over i went into his theater cuz i was going to leave and we were hanging out the next day and when i did i sat down next to him and he just leaned over and kissed me...i think i was around 13 or 14 im not quite sure but i think that was how old i was  but the thing that sucked about it was that i really didnt feel the same way about him as he did about me plus he was 16 or 17!!!

  23. My first kiss was probably when I was a baby. There are also videos of me kissing my girl friends when I was about 1 or 2.

    My first passionate kiss (with tongues) was when I was 10 or 11.  

  24. last year in 7th grade during ski club, he was a freshman. Totally hot.  i had no idea wat the h**l i was doing! We were on the ski lift.

  25. Get in to it.Boys really like that.Only if your real s**y and below the age of 17.

  26. the boy i really liked, i was fifteen.

    he liked me too but we weren't dating.

    we were walking out of school together

    before a long weekend. we always

    hugged goodbye or he'd kiss my cheek

    or whatever and so i went in for a hug

    and he kissed me.

    it wasn't anything special haha.

    he totally missed my lips and lost

    his balance and we went crashing into

    a brick wall! i was totally giggling and

    he was so embarrassed ;D

  27. Just give it time! When it happens it happens! I mean, I'm almost Seventeen and I haven't been kissed! Plus, don't wait around 4 someone because that's a waste of ur time. The Lord will work things out!

    U should understand that God sent his son Jesus to die on the Cross so we won't have to carry the guilt(burden)of our sins. Jesus did this so our souls would b protected and we'd have eternal life. So y not b grateful and Praise him, 4 we r freely forgiven in him! Love him with all ur heart soul and mind! He's ur Best friend, so Give him ur all! Take action and get involved with a Church Youth, or maybe ur school's Bible Study Group! They'll help u on ur path with Christ!

  28. i was 16, it was with a guy i met at a wedding. we went on our second date and then he came over to my house, we kissed underneath a willow tree with thw moon right above us =)
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