
First NASCAR race ever-(MIS 8/17)!! Need basic help?

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Just wondering - does the race start at 1, 1:30 or 2 this Sunday, August 17th. I see all three? How long would a normal race take(I know this can vary with delays)? The website says coolers cannot be larger than 8x8 is this true? What would be the ONE thing you would tell me to be sure and visit before the race???




  1. First do not forget sunscreen! It starts 1:30 I think. It would take about 3 to 4 hours. Yes that is true about the coolers. Buy some things at your faviorite drivers' sounvier hauler. :) Have Fun and Be Safe!

  2. Well I have never been to MIS. However, looking on their website you can bring in 1 cooler or bag no larger than 6x6x12 & 1 clear plastic bag no larger than 18x18x4. And 1 seat cushion (without arms).

    So, I suggest that you go to wal-mart/k-mart/target or some other department/office store & purchase a clear backpack. They usually sell for $10.00 & if you plan on more races it will pay for itself in just a couple of races. I also suggest you put any food you may carry in the backpack, such as chips, crackers, fruit, or whatever.

    Be sure to pick up a $1.00 poncho, just in case, it's always better to have it & not need it than to need it & not have it. Don't forget earplugs, sunscreen (check out wal-mart's travel sizes), hat, a sharpie (for any autographs you may get), camera w/ extra batteries, scanner (if you have one if not you can rent 1 at the track), and plenty of water. I do recommend that you bring your own as at the track things tend to get pretty expensive. EX: Water $4.00, 1 sharpie is $2.00, etc.

    And you may want to buy a crediential holder as at some track ushers want to see your ticket everytime you go to the bathroom & return to your seat(they do this at Daytona). I also suggest that you wear your fave drivers apparel but in light colors, as the sun won't fell quit as hot & good walking/tennis shoes. As far as places to visit, again I have never been to MIS but I never go to a race that I don't shop the souvenir haulers.  

  3. been there,best bet is to leave at 6am,avoid the late crowd.make a day of can park near the track,sleep for a bit,then do the whole show before the race.oh yes rent a scanner for the best experience.about 3 hours for the race depending on any delays.they have booths set up to buy things,big sponsors have things to do.home depot and pepsi have give always etc.enjoy the day.

  4. I went to the Talledage race in April and the first place I visited before climbing up to roll 60 was the bathroom.  LOL

    Have fun and don't forget the sunscreen.

  5. It will start around 2:05.Tvtime starts @ 1:00 and they usually do an hour of pre-race. I went to the race in June and it was over in about 3 hours. There were only a few cautions. If it rains the race will be about five hours. It takes about an hour to dry that track.

    There is a lot of cool stuff they sell at all the tents.

    Soft coolers only 6x6x12.

    Have Fun.

  6. ya you can brng in coolers size 8x8 full of beer cans only each person can have one dang dats alot of beer if they dont have cautions it can go about 3 hrs start times on tv they bullchit alot if your going to race walk around the outside of trach they set up driver merchandise trailers and sometimes drivers come out to sign autographs or you can bring a grill or just some sandwitches and have a tailgait party like most people do get there very early to beet the traffic if your parking at track some only let you park on there property at acertain time so you can check there web site for info on camping parking exetra when i did daytona i would park at the mall accross the street and wait till parking opene d at track or just stayed there and walked allways m,ade sure i had a good spot to the exit to beat out the traffic merchandise trailers bring money  and lots of it for yourdrivers merchandise its all there trailer after trailer  you can spend a few hours there  

  7. Take sun protection and plenty of hydration fluids and light snacks. NO BEER! If you wanna drink, go watch the race at a bar. Sober is the best way to enjoy ALL of the race and surroundings.

    There are a lot of freebies given out around the track area. Load up!

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