
First Period after having the Mirena?

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I had the mirena implanted on June 12th and started my period on June 17th and have been bleeding so heavy ever since. Can someone please tell me there experiences and how long this heavy bleeding will continue. Thanks for all your answers.




  1. My mirena was put in in...March of 2006. I had mild cramps (or at least they seemed mild to me, compared to the severe period cramps I was used to. I have endometriosis, so my regular periods are pretty heavy and painful) for a few days, and some spotting.

    About two weeks later, it 'settled' into position, and after that being okayed by the doctor, I really haven't had any problems with it since. Every once in a while I'll experience some of the severe cramping like I used to get with every period, and sometimes there will be some light spotting (extremely light, but I've gotten into the habit of wearing pantyliners because it happens at random times, with no warning).

    But all in all, I think it's the best birth control ever, because I don't have to remember to do anything, s*x can be spontaneous, and unless you count the bleeded after my son's birth, then I haven't had a period since before I got pregnant. My son turned 2 back in February!

    My doctor had told me that my period was liable to do anything for the first few months, heavier than normal, lilghter than normal, irregular. But they said that it would even itself out, and then continue to get lighter and lighter until it was just gone, or until you had the mirena removed. They told me I was lucky that it went away right away, and that was probably because I had it put in before getting my first post-baby period.

    I would call your doctor, just to make sure they know what is going on, and to make sure that they don't want to see you. You're probably not loosing as much blood as you think, but you don't want it to continue indefinately, either.

    Odds are that in a day or two it will stop, but sometimes there are people that the mirena just doesn't agree with.

  2. Well when I first got my Mirena I bled for two months straight and it was heavy and then after that I would bleed like every two weeks and get horrible cramps from it I hated I just got mine taken out two weeks ago less than a year from when I got it I hope you have better luck with it.

  3. I had the Mirena too, and my first period lasted a couple weeks. It sucked! My Dr. said other patients had it for the same amount of time too, so I'm guessing that is normal.In the beginning my periods were normal after the first one and then they became really, really light. Next thing I knew I was only spotting for a few days but they were during different times not on my period schedule. They were so unpredictable that I had it removed. Who wants to bleed without knowing when it was going to happen. At least with my regular period I had a time frame with this it was just whenever it felt like it.

  4. I had mine placed while on my period, I cramped horribly bad for two days afterwards and had a longer/heavier than normal period.  It seemed like for the first few weeks I was just having a period non-stop, I even called the doctor and asked about it.  I recommend you calling yours and letting them know what is happening and see what they say. Don't worry too much though as it will even out and in 6-12 months you will probably quit having a period all together ; )  I have only one year left with mine and am afraid of loosing it... at first I thought what have I done, but the pain was worth it as it has been the best birthcontrol that I have found... in the long run you will hopefully love it!

  5. I have had mine since May 27th.The first period was very heavy.Then I had spotting for a couple more weeks,some of it was mildly heavy as well.My last period though,was very light.So It should get better.My doctor told me that she had Mirena and hasn't had a period in 2 years.Hers just eventually went away as do a lot of people who have Mirena.So yours should get better as well.

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