
First Time Hammy Info?!?!!?

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I am getting a male longhaired teddy bear hamster....Golden to be exact. I know alot about hamsters but i still need 2 know...

-What Cage 2 get? is the Super Pet Critter tail 2 gud?

-What 2 name it? Mr.Muffin or Bubba? any other sugestions?

-Any extra info bout anythin?




  1. ok, lol i had the exact same kind of hamster b 4 so ok cage- any size wil work but keep in mind they LOVE to climb! also try 2 keep not too big bc the might get confused! ok namez anythings good really it dosen't matter bc they don't respond to names anywayz so just name it wat sounds good to u! also talk to the owner/ worker @ where you got it to c wat it's likes and dislikes are and if u can't find out feel free 2 expieriment! Have fun w/ ur  new min. teddy! lol ;) Good Luck!

  2. 1. If you have to get a crittertrail dont get one with many tubes. I f this is your first hammie and you need on cheap and well built buy this, or or

    2. It is good but not for a syrian.

    3. Mr.Muffin it is cute!

    4. Let your hammie get exersize in his ball and change the water everyday and clean the cage once or twice a week.


  3. Your type of Hammy will get too big for that cage. If you have any tubes etc... he may get stuck in them. If you are determined on a crittertrail at least get 2 cages and link them together with a tube.

    And yes the hamster can break freee of these cages - invest in Duct tape --- we duct taped every area we could think of (on the outside of the cage) and they finally stopped escaping. Oh and use a clip or key chain ring to keep the little wire door shut - they will find a way to push out of that too. Although with the duct taping cleaning the cages is very tedious.

    If I had not already bought the darn cages I would have gone the Aquarium route - or built my own cage out of a steralite tub.

    Give Mr Muffin lots of space to climb and play.

  4. I'm a happy owner of multiple Hammys throughout the years. My current one is over 3 years old and happy as a button.

    So heed my word...


    Ahem... sorry for yelling.

    Those things look fun and all, but they are completely worthless. Bad for you and bad for him.

    Bad for you? He WILL escape and you'll spend heartwrenching hours and days trying to find him again.

    Bad for him? It's made from cheap plastic which breaks and is easily gnawable. It's also stuffy, too enclosed and a pain in the rear to clean.

    The best home for a Syrian Hamster (Teddy bear) is a multi-story wire cage. 3 levels ideally...

    The bottom level should be for the bedding (aspen chips only, no cedar!). I also like to tear up toilet paper for my guy too, it adds some nice cushion for him.

    Also on the bottom should be his home... a wood house that fits. (no plastic!). It can be fairly sizeable (they dont need much running room really), should have 2 exits. Hamsters need a place to hide from the world, dont forget they are naturally prey animals.

    Leave some space "behind" the house for his potty. And some space in front of it so he can get to his water bottle that you'll be attaching to side of the cage.

    The second level should be for his wheel and his food. The wheel is ok to be plastic, I recommend the silent ones (no gaps). I put the bowl for his food under the ladder leading to the third level.

    Speaking of that ladder, buy a bird/parrot one instead. The one that usually comes with the cage sucks.

    On the third level you CAN put another wheel, but I find they usually pick one and stick with it. Instead put an egg carton up there (cut to size obviously). Make sure to rig it in place with some paperclips so it doesnt fall over (down). This can be his chill in the open air spot, and also a place where he'll learn to come if he wants food or attention. Also, the carton can be used for "hamster bath" (a dry powder).

    Throughout the cage, hang things... baubles, wood pieces, toys, whatever... it provides more stimulation. Also, pay attention to places he might gnaw at... hang things there to thwart him.

    Speaking of gnawing... he needs chew toys. Wood things, stick treats, etc... And he needs LOTS of attention (at least initially). The only drawback to wire cages is they can be bad if chewed on excessively. But plenty of activity, love and attention will keep your little guy occupied enough to pay no mind.

    If he's being particulary chewy though, a spray water bottle never hurt anyone... but play first!

    There's plenty of great hamster websites out there, be sure and check em out. Lots of great fun tips on play and care(dont listen to em regarding wire cages though, they dont know what theyre talking about and are overly paranoid).

    Anyways, best of luck. Your Hammy will be your best friend! :)

  5. Get a large cage, bedding, food dish and a water bottle, a wheel and treats.

  6. I kept my hamster in a critter trail 3, and she loved it.

    As for the name, your should pick it yourself.

    Be sure to give him fresh water and clean the bedding often. Take care of him and treat him nicely.

  7. I have two hamsters, and one is a long haired male teddy bear hamster.

    I have him in a very tall, three story metal cage. I had  acage before with tubes, and my hamster ALWAYS found ways to knock them off, no matter what I did.

    I like the name Bubba more. it is a male after all, muffin might offend him. =P

    make sure you buy a good quality food, but also feed other food along with it, so they have a good selection of all foods.

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