
First-Time Job Interview At Target!?Help:)?

by Guest66198  |  earlier

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Any tips?im a male.what should i wear?


what should i be expected to be asked & what should i say back?




  1. 1. Dress professional. Wear slacks and a nice shirt.

    2. Be confident in yourself, even if you have no experience at all.

    3. Show interest in the position and show interest in learning everything there is to know about the job.

    4. Look them in the eye and speak clearly. No mumbling.

    5. Relax, it's just Target. If this doesn't work out there's always Walmart, Sam's, Costco, etc...

  2. Wear khakis or some nice pants and a nicer shirt. Just be confident in what you say and smile and make good eye contact. The questions are always different but they will probably ask you why you want to work there and what job related skills you have.

    You will be fine, good luck.

  3. theyll prolly ask stupid questions like why do you want to work here? and why should you work here, and DO NOT tell them the truth, tell them you like to deal with people and you like target in general, just tell them the c**p they want to hear, because honesty doesnt get anywhere in this world anymore, i interviewed there, told them i wanted to work there so i can make some money, and that it was a easy job that i could easily do, and they told me the interview was over, so, truth=bad, asskissing=job/money

  4. Khaki pants, black shoes, a button up shirt.

    Don't chew gum


    Answer ALL questions- don't say "I don't know"

    Think of a reason why they should hire you before you go in there.

  5. be upbeat and positve, and have confidence gl

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