
First Time Voter?

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I want to vote in the presidential primaries. I know I need to register as a Republican, but I'm confused. First off, I'm a college student living out of my home state. My permanent residence is in Minnesota, but I'm at school in South Dakota. Someone please tell me, thoroughly, what I need to do in order to become a registered voter, and to vote in the primaries as a Republican.




  1. If you need to register as a Republican I can see why you are confused.

    Get a voter registration card when you go back home.  Then register as an absentee voter.

  2. So you want to be a Republican?  Have you registered to fight for your country?  Or are you just going to attack the men and women that actually fight for your rights?  I cannot for the life of me figure out why a young person would want to vote Republican!  Do you realize it will be you that will have to pay back the deficit plus interest?  Do you know that the Republicans said they were fighting for Democracy and then turned around and took away every aspect of a Democratic government away from you?  IT does not matter tome but I just cannot believe you would want to vote for people who attack people for being g*y, when they themselves are g*y, attack people for being pedophiles when they are pedophiles.  Attack is the operative word.  They cannot stand on their own records so they attack others with lies and innuendo.  Try reading sites like the smoking gun and truth out. They do not care what party the politicians are from, they just look at their truthfulness.  Go look and see who lies the most!

    At any rate make sure you vote and you always look into what you are voting for.  Do not only listen/read/watch only one news source.  Try many different ones even if you do not agree with their political.  You have Liberals, Conservatives and somewhere in between the two sides you will find the truth!

    Have you ever bothered to see what the Democrats actually stand for or have you just adopted your parents view's?  Just make an informed decision, if you still decide on Republican, that is great but make sure you look into both sides and not just by listening to Fox!  Try BBS!  Sometimes you need to go to outside the country to find the truth about our country!

  3. HOW to register to vote depends on your situation. You said you are a college student, are you living on campus? If you are living on campus you most likely still have residency in your home state (the address on you driver's licence and id) and if so, you can vote ABSENTEE.

    Absentee voting is conducted by mail BEFORE election day. First you must register to your home address (you can do it online here:

    Then you want to download an absentee ballot request application which you can get here:

    If you moved and are now a resident of a new town (meaning you have a lease, utility bill in your name, etc.) then you can register and vote where you currently live.

    Once you register you do not have to reregister before the next election UNLESS you move and your address changes.
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