
First Time wearing Contact Lenses - Concern

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I just got contact lenses about an hour ago for the first time. I was tolled by the optometrist that its normal to have blurry vision at first, but now an hour later I still have blurry vision, especially near vision. The computer screen is extremely blurry and is giving me a headache. Is this normal?




  1. Yes it is normal. When i first started wearing contacts which was about 6 yrs ago...The same exact thing happend to me..And in about a week I got usto it and they were very comfortable. In the mean time, try dimming the lights on your computer, so it doesnt hurt your eyes. Also take a motrin for that headache.

  2. i would take them out right away because when i wore contacts

    the first time i put them in i could see fine

    take them back to the doctor and get it fixed right away

    that's why its a good idea to have glasses around too

  3. It is common- remember your eye is actually adjusting to a foreign obeject on the cornea. They are naturally going to water and be aggrivated. Just like she said- it lasts a little while and probably will go away. If it persists - you either got the wrong prescription- type of lens- or like some people- they just cant wear contacts b/c eyes so sensitive.

  4. Sounds to me like you got the wrong prescription.

  5. No it is not normal, you eyes should have adapted by now.

    Maybe your contacts are dirty, wash your hands carefully, clean your contacts and put them back on, or check if you have not also place them on by the wrong side of the lens, the lenses are concave, they have sides.

    If these advises don't work, you should go back to your optometrist and have your lens checked. Maybe you got the wrong prescription and I mean they mess up at the doctor's office,it happens more often that you would like to find out.

    The headache is a temporary condition and should not last longer than an hour or so, it's caused by your optic nerve sending the new images to your brain.

    Good luck!

  6. it happens to me whenever i get a new perscription. it lasts about a week.

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