
First Train Ride?!?

by  |  earlier

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I'm leaving to go see my hubs graduate from Basic Training, and I'm taking a super long overnight train from Pittsburgh to Chicago, non-stop.

I'm really looking forward to it, but I've never ridden a train before.. I just have a couple questions..

1. Since it's an overnight, and I'll be sleeping, will they wake me up when I get to/ near Chicago? I'm super scared of that, I can't miss my stop.

2. What happens if it's crowded and I get seated next to the guy on oxygen that farts and snores really loudly? (I'm being serious)

3. I'm going to have a roll on and a big tote looking thing for luggage.. Can I keep them with me, even though I still have my purse? They're under the weight limit.

Thanks! =D Is train riding fun? I live in Altoona, so there's about twelve tracks that run side by side downtown, and they're noisy, so I'm really excited about this! =)




  1. The last time I rode was a while ago so things may have changedbut here was my experience....related to your questions.

    1. Since it's an overnight, and I'll be sleeping, will they wake me up when I get to/ near Chicago? I'm super scared of that, I can't miss my stop.

    --They won't wake you up. A conductor may wake you up if you ask but it's not part of their job so I wouldn't count on it. Take a small travel alarm (or your cell phone)

    2. What happens if it's crowded and I get seated next to the guy on oxygen that farts and snores really loudly? (I'm being serious)

    ----When it was close to time to sleep I went up into the observation car (The car with the windows sticking above the roof) to sleep. The seats were a little larger and it was quieter and I had a nicer view to fall asleep to and wake up to. That car did not have assigned seats. If your train doesn't have this but the train's not full I don't think it will be a problem to move to any seat in the train.

    3. I'm going to have a roll on and a big tote looking thing for luggage.. Can I keep them with me, even though I still have my purse? They're under the weight limit.

    ---Not sure what their size restriction is but if you call Amtrack they will tell you.

    Thanks! =D Is train riding fun?

    ---I enjoyed it very much!

  2. Amtrak is the only way to travel in my opinion.

    1. In my experience yes, they will wake you up.  They'll come by telling people going to chicago that their stop is coming up and they will do their best to wake you up without wakeing up anyone else.  The last time I rode an overnight train I got to my stop at 2:30 A.M. and they woke me up.  Also I don't know about the train you'll be on but alot of Amtrak trains end at chicago, and if thats the case with yours you don't need to worry about missing your stop.  A travel alarm clock or a cell phone with an alarm would be fine if your worried, but I would use one that vibrates instead of one that makes noise just to be considerate of other passengers.

    2. Again I don't know about your train but all of the trains I've riden on, you could sit anywhere.  If there is a problem with someone just move.  The conductor will put a small slip of paper over your seat when he or she takes you ticket so that other people know that that is taken, just take that with you if you do have to move and put over your new seat.  If there aren't any other seats get a conductor and explain why you need to move and they'll do there best, but they won't wake anyone up to ask if they will trade seats with you and they can't make anyone move so that you can have a different seat.

    3. They allow two bags that are under the size and weight limit, so you should be fine because a purse doesn't count.  Keep in mind they require you to have luggage tags on your bags.

    I think riding the train is VERY fun.
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