
First answer will be choosen best answer why are girls that want long relationship so hard to get ?

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first of all they are hard to find and when you find them they act so hard like hard to get hide misterious stuff




  1. They want to make sure your the 1 .... cuz if your not then why have a long relationship with you? there seeing if your the one...  

  2. They r hard 2 get because they want something serious with someone who they are sure is good enough and they know well so they won't be making a mistake

  3. because they don't want to be hurt, and wants someone that's worth it.

  4. they are hard to get because you arent there to be with them so they want to hold off

    answer mine plz;...

  5. they are not necessarily hard to find, its knowing you have met the right one.. Don't be too pushy, is a good tip.

  6. I thought girls were infamous for wanting a long-term relationship, and here you are complaining that they are hard to find........confusing!!

  7. I like long's so much easier than worrying if someone likes you or if they think your attractive...and the reason they are all hard to find...well...i've been in a relationship for two years, so maybe they are currently in relationships...guys hardly come off as wanting serious relationships...that could be part of it

  8. They play hard to get because if you fight for them hard enough then that means you are the one that will stay with them longer.  If you quit so easily then you are not worth being with especially if they want to be in a long relationship.

  9. Because they only want us for our body!

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