
First attempt at going green?

by  |  earlier

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I have just moved out on my own and I want to go green. I want to know a couple of things about it. I'm looking at making some homade cleaning probucts that people have mentioned on this site, but I want to know if that can be expensive to do. I also want to know if anyone has any green shampoo and conditioner reciepes that I could try out. I'm trying to make my fiance recycle but when he brings down all of the stuff that I have sorted out, it all goes in the regular garbage so i'm on my own with this one!

Also, I would like to know the best way to store these things. In the fridge, Or just make small amounts as you go??




  1. maybe you find something you like in here

    this is a very good website for green products and ideas

    this is the big picture

  2. Compact florescent bulbs. I have replaced all but 2 bulbs in my house to CFB's. When those burn out I will replace them too.

  3. ok some small tips for going green that you didn't mention here but i have heard (and my family does them) are to turn off the water when you brush your teeth, stop the water flow when you shampoo your hair (with your green shampoo ;-]), turn off the lights when you're not in a room, and set your thermostat on "auto".  i know some of these might seem small and insignificant, but believe me they make a difference.  i mean, how many times do you brush your teeth a month?  at least 50 i would hope :) so for 100 minutes a month of un-used water, that could really save on your water bill.  plus the shower save.  ur electrical bill will be cut by the thermostat being on "auto" during the summer and winter.  believe me, it makes a difference.

  4. This is great keep it up xx

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