
First born starting school ..?

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My oldest daughter is starting school and I am freaking out. My question is for parents who have taken their children to school already .. Is there anything that I should know that might not be told to the parents right away??




  1. Oh, Corinne, I TOTALLY feel for you!  It's so, so hard to send them.  My kids are in 7th and 9th grade, and it still kills me every year to drop them off on the first day.  Everyone on here has given you great advice so far.  Here's what I'll add:  

    ♥  A great teacher is very important, so if the school allows you to request, do so!  Ask around and find out who's the best!  I requested teachers for each grade, in fact, because a positive, attentive teacher goes a long way in making school a comfortable place for your child to be.  

    ♥  Use a permanent marker to put your little girl's name on everything!  Everything!  

    ♥  I'll bet there will be a Kindergarten orientation day, but even so, take your daughter to the school on the day before it starts to have a look at things again.  You may even run into her teacher in the hallway!  

    ♥  And last, be a volunteer in her classroom!  

    You'll be fine, and really, so will she.

  2. Awwwwwwww, I feel for you - isn't it aweful? I bet you are much more upset about this than she is - she's probably excited. Don't ruin her joy about starting school by letting her know your upset about it - or by putting ideas in her head that she should be scared. The school will probably have an open house where you will meet the teacher and stuff. The school will tell you everything you need to know.

  3. Its one of the hardest things you will have to do.  I think it is harder on the parent then it is the child.  Don't worry.  My second is starting kindergarten in the fall.  My little baby is growing up.  No more babies for me., though.  But not being told anything, I really have expereinced that.  My school was pretty good making sure the parents knew everything they needed beforehand.  Good Luck.

  4. your child will pick up a lot of bad habit's from other kids so get ready for a shock when you get a note saying your child did something that you cannot believe your child did.make sure you buy her sneakers because she will have gym and a lot of moms buy their little girls cute little sandals and dress shoes for school and they will have to sit out of gym if they do not have sneakers.good luck and don't let her see you freaking out and don't let her hear you talk about worring about it or she will get scared.

  5. The school pretty much makes you aware of everything before the child starts and then on the first day will probably send home another big packet of papers to fill out.  The kids actually handle this a lot better than what we do.  My daughter was set on the fact she wanted to ride the bus to school so I allowed it but that first day I followed behind the bus all through the route and when it was unloading at school I sat and watched to make sure she got in ok then sat there another 10 minutes bawling because my baby was growing up.

  6. When my daughter started school, she didn't realize that if somebody is being mean to you, you can tell the teacher.  You know, there are a lot of kids and she wasn't used to it.

    Also, she had a tendency to do what the other kids told her.  "But Bobby told me to hit Devin."  

    Mainly, make it clear to your daughter that she can tell you anything she wants to, and watch out for troubling behavior changes.

  7. Your school will go through procedures with you.

    Here is something I did not know about our current school that deeply upset me. During Lunch and in the Hallways there is a NO TALKING rule. Now, I get it. They want kids to eat and they want to respect other classes while walking in the hall. I have been there volunteering all year and let me tell you what happens when they talk. I've seen several teachers scream, "Excuse me!?? Who do you think you are to talk in here? Do you not understand rules?! Etc etc at the top of their lungs while Kinders cry their little eyes out. At lunch if they talk they get screamed at, moved to seclusion and time off recess. Please, ask the school (before school is out this year) if you may come in with your daughter to "eat lunch" so she can get a feel for it. But really, observe.

    My youngest daughter was traumatized by this and I had to comfort her for hours after school.

    Also, cross your fingers your child gets a good teacher. They are hard to find these days and if she gets one- it will make her life so much easier.

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