
First cat... rescue?

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I'm about to get my first cat. and to help I'm getting 1 from a rescue. can any1 give me tips on what they look 4 when they do home checks? and can any1 tell me what good rescues there are in essex?





  1. They will look for general things like direct access to the outdoors, busy roads, secure gardens, safe house, general hygiene.

    Be warned not may rescue centres will release healthy cats to places where they will not have direct access to the outdoors.

    I have a rescue cat and live in a falt but as my cat has FIV (cat aids) its recommended that he stay indoors anyway so if you are in flat why not do something extra special adn rescue an FIV cat!

    Dont worry tis nothing personal they wont do loads of routing around and whatever just general checks for healthy living conditions.

    Well done for rescuing not being fooled by the cute new cuddly kitten idea!!

  2. they'll probably look through alot of your furniture but don't worry nothing personal and rescues are fire department

  3. Good for you! They basically look for safety and space. They need to make sure you have enough room and in your house, and that you are not right next to a motorway or anything. Safety is the second thing, generally checking that it is not a flat with a balcony to jump off and that kind of thing. It is not a huge inspection or anything. Well done for getting a rescue cat. He/she will love you for it. RSPCA is almost always best bet, but any home will help you. It is a hard experience. Very sad, but you will feel great when you have your new cat home. Best of luck!

  4. When doing home checks that will check that your home and its surroundings including the garden if you have one is safe for a cat to live in and pose no potential dangers. They will ask some questions about why you want a cat, what your neighbourhood is like in terms of are their many other dogs or cats in the area that could pose a threat to your cat, also if there are any busy roads where you live, they may ask you if you have owned a pet before. Basically they want to know that the cat will be safe and well looked after.

  5. Have everything the cats needs when they get there, like litter box everything. And have the place nice and clean then have. Just I'm sure the one thing they will look for is if you have food on hand.

    Just make sure you have everything a child needs.
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