
First couple times of smoking pot?!?

by  |  earlier

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Last night I smoked weed for the second time ever. The first time, was about a year ago and I only had like 2 hits off a joint. This time it was 2 big blunts but there were 4 of us. I probably took about 13 big hits total.

The first time I ever smoked it I didn't feel any different. This time I felt kinda different but not much. I just got a little light headed but it was weird cuz I could like feel and hear my heart beating like really well.

So my question is, Why did not get real high, the other people I was smoking with were pretty high, but I was just like 'buzzed' to say the most. What was your first time like?

Also the light headedness could have been from alcohol, I had a coupld shots, and like 1 beer.

Please don't try and be my mother and tell me how I am ******* my life up.




  1. Most people don't feel anything the first time or even the 2nd time. That's normal.

  2. hey

    was in the same situation kind of ! the first time yeah its normal for nothing to happen

    and since there was such a large time gap in between the first time and second time u smoked.. ur body reacted like it was the first time again.. the feeling of ur heart beating like really strong is a sign that ur high and thats probably becuase u did have a lot to smoke ! haha that always happens to me too its weird :)!  but probaly next time u smoke if its not in a long time u will get really high.. especially if u cough alot ,

    hope this helped !

  3. bkuz it was ur first time and u prolly didnt do it rite. its ight whenever u r high.......ask a question on here bkuz i love making fun of mi friends when they call me n they r high

  4. You should stop. I don't care what anybody says, marijuana is dangerous because it makes you do stupid things that you would not normally do if you were sober. Maybe not as bad as alcohol, but certainly something you should avoid. Sorry to be a party pooper.

  5. Maybe you were high but were too,... boring to notice it.

    First time, I smoked a joint and I coughed and coughed and I said to myself I'm never going to smoke again. "That stuff hurts"

    2nd time 1 year later I was messed up. "the weed numbed my lungs after the first hit"  

  6. You are fukcing up your life why?

  7. I bet you just have a really high tolerance lol. I smoke often, but I smoked with two of my friends who had never smoked before and I'd say I was okay, not totally out of my mind shitfaced like one of my friends (it was some grade A weed haha) but I was definitely higher than my other friend, she just seemed kinda buzzed, at worst it's just what she's like on no sleep! And we all had pretty much the same amount. Some people simply arent very affected.

  8. People rarely get high their first couple times. Took me three times. Keep trying! :D

  9. you're crazy. you're eventually going to die if you keep this up.

  10. You probably didn't smoke it right.

    Not many people do the first couple times.

    You have to breath it into your lungs, not your mouth, your lungs and hold it there for about 5 seconds or so and then try to exhale slowly.

  11. your body is trying to figure out the stuf soon it will know all there is to know  how to use it to it's advantage LIKE WHEN A GOOD LOOKING GIRL COMES TO MIND for it has the capasity to choose how to cope leaving the host at the door step that being you not to fool you you are smarter than that next as you use WEED more the ability for you to be natural will dissapear slowly, slowly enough that it would seem that you are maturing in the right direction and you will see alot more things that will come out of the wood work like friends and relitives WEED don't like anyone or anything getting close to you because you and WEED have a special relationship  so WEED and YOU will need to find thoes who are comfortable with WEED and YOU will become WEEDS friend soon YOU will become you as the lower case letters that use to be YOU have been replaced with WEED as the sole reason for your dreams your ideas of fun and basicly most of the functioning of the brain under the spell of T,H,C.because now it's not just WEED a thing that was a good time now it's T.H.C. a chemical that is needing to be feed  and guess who is going to feed it? now mix alchol with WEED and it's just like the brothers from h**l have come home to stay. you might ask where have they been well I will tell you they were with me and let's just say for the record they wore out there welcome I hope you are prepaired for the ride of your life because all that is comming is good times that it seems until the party has desided to find another host I wonder if you know someone close to you that is vonarable that only wants to have a good time if you do show them the door because missery my friend loves company so run the next time you hear these words for you may live as a whole human being loved by all who can see that you are for real and not a joke  now thats a laugh me telling someone about a joke well atleast I can laugh now oh so many years later and I thought at first this was nothing, thats how it is like a thief in the night, night after night after night until I hope you tell the same thing to another who will see the light  instead of the longest night that lasted until you woke up  

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