
First cross country meet tomorrow!?

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Please help me!! I am a freshman and I have no idea what to expect from this whole ordeal. Any tips on food or stretches or pace ideas would be super ahmazing right now. Thanks!

One more question. I am in TAPPS (Texas Association of Private and Parochial Schools). Don't the girls run 2.1 miles? Just checking.





  1. I ha dmy first practice 3 days ago, dont worry everything will be fine.  Your coach and fellow teammates should teach all the new kids stretches.  (if not just do the old, touch your toe stretch, and lunges an whatnot)  Food-lots of carbs, but at least 2 hrs before practice.  Drink lots of water throughout the day, and only small amounts durin gpractice.

  2. alrighty so im guessing your meets in the morn and that youve already eaten dinner but if you havent CARBS!!! and drink plenty of water tonight, amazingly it will help you tomorow. eat something light like a granola bar an hour or so before, stop drinking like 30 minutes, and if your like me you will pee like 12 times in  that 30 minutes between nerves and that i dont wanna have to pee during the race. stretch and warm up with your team, go out and do your best!! dont start out too fast but somewhat fast the first 600 or so or else you will get stuck behind people. your first race may be horrible but you will know exactly what to do the next race and only get better pacing, eating and all that stuff, i dont know how in shape you are or anything, so i cant tell you your pace, but i wish you the best of luck!!

    the girls only run two miles?!!?!?! dang im movin to texas! in georgia girls run the same as the boys

  3. Always eat a good meal the night before a race. Believe it or not, you get most of your energy from that. Carbs are great, so load up on the pasta, and don't be afraid of over eating. If anything, be afraid of not eating enough. If your meet is in the morning, try to steer clear of eating a big breakfast. Eat a piece of toast or something else that's really light. If it's later in the day (after school?) eat a good breakfast and a good lunch. Some people take along snacks for before a meet, but if you do, take something like pretzels or granola bars, and don't gorge yourself. Eat lightly and give yourself a full hour without eating anything before your race.

    Make sure you warm up before your race. Walk the course and jog it a little bit too. Once your warmed up a little bit make sure you stretch out. Your team should help you with all of that, so don't worry too much. I'm from Wisconsin, and I know that we run 2.1 miles, so I'd assume that you do too. As for pace depends on how fast of a runner you are. If you know your mile time, try to run the first mile a little bit slower than that. (I run about a 5:53 for my first mile, and I usually run a 5:34 single mile.) Your second mile should be a little slower than the first, but try to keep the pace up. I'd say work the last 800 of the race. That's when you want to really start picking up your pace.

    Good luck! I hope you do well!

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