
First cross country race tomorrow?

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I just started cross country this year, and I'm a freshman girl. I'm kind of nervous, and I'm wondering what's a good time to get on a race (it's a 5k). Also, what should I eat for breakfast since it's an afternoon race? (4:30) I was thinking toast or english muffin with peanut butter and fruit and water. Is that okay? thanks!




  1. I started running to and i am having problems....i stink but pace and load up on carbs have pasta for dinner and load up on water. have  toast and a banana for breakfast, bananas help keep water in you. For lunch maybe have a peanut butter sandwich and stop drinking at maybe 3 o'clock or 3:30 to prevent cramps. Hope this helps and when you run think about something else. But i don't no if oj is ok to be on the safe side and to keep hydrated i would have water but i don't really no the right answer!

  2. Don't worry, you'll do fine!

    Since the race is in the afternoon, this is what you should try to do.

    Eat a good dinner tonight. Preferably something like pasta or spaghetti. Drink water and nothing but water but until the race.

    Go to bed early, not extreamly early, but maybe an hour or half-hour early than your normal bed time.

    Since your race is at 4:30, try and get up around 8:00 or 8:30. And no later than 9:00. You want to have eaten breakfast already by 9:00.

    Breakfast can me maybe a bagel or a few slices of toast. Yes, milk is bad, so try to avoid all diary products. Orange juice is not okay either. Because orange juice is acidic. You want to avoid all acid foods, like lemons, oranges, basically all foods that taste kind of sour.

    And basically rest the rest of the day. Don't sleep, but just relax, try not to think about the race all that much, maybe read a book or something.

    Around 12:00 - 1:00, you want to eat a good lunch. Something like a turkey sandwich is good. Or any kind of sandwich for that matter. And maybe a handful or crackers or pretezels and maybe an apple should be good. Try not to eat anything to big after 2:00.

    Maybe around 2:00 eat a banana or something to give you some energy for the race, and you should be done eathing.

    I think you're probably going to meet somewhere with your team since you say you're a freshmen and running a 5k. So try to be on time to whereever you're meeting, and I'm sure your coach will go through warm-ups and stuff for the race.

    A good time for you would be anywhere under 24:00 for a 5k. Which is about 8:00 pace for 3 miles, but again I'm not sure what times you are capable of running, but under 24 minutes should be a goal.

    I'm sure you'll do great! Run fast, run hard!

    Good luck!!!

    PS. Make sure you're drinking water today and throughout tomorrow. Trust me, you will not like the feeling of dry mouth. Drink!

  3. A good time for a female freshman runner might be between 22 and 26 minutes. I knew freshman girls who did better and worse. Just remember that whatever the case, to not get frustrated. You will most likely be running JV, so everyone else will be in the same boat. Just run the race for experience. You will improve with each race that you get under your belt. If you take XC seriously, you will get better as the season goes on. Don't get caught up with trying to stay with your friends. Pick a pace that you feel comfortable with and stick to it. Try to push yourself towards the end, especially if you feel like you have a lot of energy left. This is a great time to get in some practice. Listen to what your body is telling you so you can adjust for your specific running style for the next one. As for your food, an afternoon race is easier to eat for. You can eat a normal breakfast and lunch. Try not to over do any of them. The key for you will be to stay hydrated. Everytime you pass a water fountain in the hall take a drink. No sodas. If you get hungry in the afternoon, eat a banana. Like I said, use this as a learning experience and try different things. Don't be afraid to make a mistake. Better now than at the State championship your senior year.

  4. above all, dont stress too much.

    if you dont do so well, remember, key word, FIRST race..

    and especially since your a freshman, dont worry, you have A LOT of races coming your way in the next 4 years if you do continue.

    good luck


  5. A good time would be around 27-35minutes.   Eat what you normally do, so don't change your diet to much but eat something with fiber, iron, and protein. So peanut butter would be good.  Drink water, or a low sugar sports drink throughout the day.  GOOD LUCK!

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