
First date impression?

by  |  earlier

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i have had almost no success with the female gender and it is kind of hard on me, i am going on my first ever date and i don't know what to do on first impression, i have not been on a date before, it going to be a 4days date, i am not the kind of guys who like asking the questions like " so what do u wanna do or what do u want to talk about" So i need some ideas, all she like to do for fun is hang around with her and go shopping, sometimes she work with horses. Guys and Girls i need ideas so please help




  1. then show her how to do fun things in your way.


    maybe you should date a dude, see how that feels!!!

  2. Well be sure to dress to impress (i know its kind of shallow but that's what a lot of people notice) brush your teeth. Make sure you know what to talk about ask her about horses and what she likes to shop for. Ask her what kind of music she listens to and what she likes to do on days off. Try and be friendly and get to know her. Be a gentlemen and open the car door or pull the chair out! . Hope this helps!

  3. u gotta just relax. even the least successful guy with girls can be a ladykiller. its all confidence, believe that u can do it. its always good to ask her wat shed like to do and do it, get to know her, usually eating a meal together helps conversation build up. u dont need to worry and life is all about trial and error. just be urself, open up ur emotions and let her know ur listening and ur communicating and confident. thats wat girls look for, confidence. u ever notice how even ugly or fat guys r good with girls? confidence. u gotta look up stand up tall and say hey iv got alot to offer and im a nice guy. i hope that helped.
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