
First day at college... please help me by giving some meaningful tips?

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First day at college... please help me by giving some meaningful tips?





  2. 1. When you go to your first day of classes go up to the professor after class and introduce yourself. Just tell him/her your name nothing too specific. This will help you in case you need to miss a class or are having a probelm they will remember you.

    2. Sit towards the front...they like this

    3. Always be sure to refer to your professor by the right title. Never say Mr. Smith if it is Dr. Smith! Alot of professors will fuss you out for this. If in doubt use the title: Professor!

    4. Always take notes unless they tell you not to.

    5. Don't be late with an assignment...they don't care. They will not make you learn.

    6. Have fun but take your classes seriously. Enjoy your college years.

  3. Find your classes in advance..

    Buy mase if you're a girl...

    Don't walk alone at night

    Use your meal points wisely!

    Pack water and snacks if you have classes all day

    Don't buy your books before the 1st day of class get your syllabus first. Can avoid buying them unwanted books and saving some money

    Walk! Dont drive (saves money lol)

    Learn the bus system

    Do YOUR HOMEWORK! Even if it's not required.

    Stay on top of the assignments and readings wwooww I cant stress that one enough!

    If you get lost, ask questions! Dont be scared in a huge class with 500 in it.

    Find study groups or tutors they can help!

    I go to a huge college, so some may not apply.

    AND ENJOY IT! It will go by quickly

  4. Never let any thing get past you. If you do not understand something that is being taught always stop the teacher by asking a question.

    Remember your activity level just changed. Change your diet.

    Avoid student loans as much as possible.


  5. Just remember to have an open mind.

  6. The first day is really pretty easy. Make sure you know ahead of time where your classes are so you won't be late. Your professors will hand out the syllabus, and let you know what will be expected of you throughout the semester. Usually, they don't begin lecturing until the next class but take a spiral and pen to take notes just in case.  

  7. be alert of raging,and if u face the raging then jst do it confidently,its very enjoyble thing.dont be late in the class neither your teacher will scold you before evone,introduce your self,jst be your self,dont feel shy ok dude


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