
First day in american high school?

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I just moved from mexico to california, and next week I'm starting in a new school here. I have no idea how american schools work, and its my last year of high school(I hope)...

Can anyone give me some advice please?





  1. It drama, some is fun =] some parts just suck =[

  2. hi, well i don't know how school is in mexico, but it's probably close to the same as america. you have your 1-hour classes, the girls are b!tches, the guys check you out, then you have lunch where there's more b!tches and gossiping, then you go home. it kinda sucks! =) good luck, it's really not that bad lol.

  3. p**a traicionera! Por eso Mexico no progresa, porque todos se quieren ir a USA. No digas que eres Mexicana, perra maldita! Vivan los Mexicanos que no son vende-patria y que viven en Mexico.

    I'm telling her that she is a traitor because she left Mexico for the US, and that's the reason why Mexico never progresses. I also said long live the MExicans that live in Mexico.

  4. a twistintherock: los mexicanos que se mudan aca no son traicioneros idiota se mudan para mejorar sus vidas

    las escuelas son un poco diferente todo es en ingles y si no sabes ingles vas a ESOL que es un programa para gente de otros idiomas y te enseñan como hablar ingles y quisas que sea mas facil que en mexico no se suerte!

  5. Hi Patti,

    I'm afraid you may have a challenge in front of you, because senior year of high school in an American public school can be lousy even for someone who's American and has grown up around the people in their school. As a new person, you have some things working in your favor, and some things working against you:


    1. You are fresh blood in the 'gene pool'. People will be interested to meet you because they have probably gotten sick of their regular cliques and are ready to make new friends.

    2. By senior year, people are so ready for high school to be over that there is less jockeying for position and most kids chill a little in terms of drama and are more interested in getting good grades so they can get into college.


    1. Cliques (which are groups of close friends that tend to be unwilling to accept newcomers) are already formed, and girls in your class may seem distant and uninterested in you at first. Don't take it personally, because girls at that age are only interested in themselves anyway. (Sorry, but it's true.)

    2. Teachers also know who everybody is and might overlook you.

    I suggest you find sources of support in people who have similar interests as you, like in clubs or sports or languages or choir.

    Don't act like you aren't interested to make friends. Try to be friendly and not too shy and nervous. High schoolers can smell fear. Act confident but not stuck-up.

    I would be more than willing to share other advice with you, but don't know if you considered this helpful. I feel for you and wish you the best of luck!

  6. Well In my school district,half of the things are written in both spanish and english,so you should have no problems with any of that.

    And I dont know how schools are in mexico,but im sure its not too different.

    California has alot of mexico immigrants,so I would imagine,you should fit right in.

    Dont worry too much,it should be fun :D

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