
First day of Jr.high in 3 days :]] tips? what was your first day like?

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what was your first day like?

im taking all honors classes :]]

i dont even know what to wear





  1. first day will be diffrent for everyone  you will all be nervous    wear something that makes a statement about you remember first impressions are always best...dont get discouraged if you cant find your class it will take a few days and all the teachers know that.. they will all be nice to you till you prove your self ...just rember  its ok and in a few days you will be a pro  and feel right at home ...dont get upset if you dont see  your old friends as much  because  my experiance shows people chang and you make new friends..

  2. I felt like everyone was so much bigger than me. On the bright side you have a whole grade of people starting with you so I would just stick with them.

  3. It was fine. Just don't worry about it. Wear what you like, get through all the boring lectures that ALL the teachers have to say, and don't worry about any actual work yet.

  4. It was pretty nerve racking. It's a lot of fun though. You don't do any work, as usual. get to meet your teachers and stuff. Congrats on all honors classes. As for what to wear, wear something that you feel comfortable in. If you have new tennis shoes, make sure to break them in first, or your feet will really hurt. Just have fun and relax. It's everybody else's first day too, and no one will make fun of you for going to the wrong class or something, cuz there are lots of other kids that do the same thing! Good luck!

  5. well where im from the first day is horrible!! and always will be . it depends on where you live!, the first week i got jumped like 4 times by yeah and dont worry what to wear just wear something really comfy cus you never know, u might have to run to ur classes! dude ur already starting school?? d**n i have summer vacation for 3 months and i start school in 1 month!!!


  7. My first day was really fun, a little confusing (the school messed up my schedule, but they fixed it) but it was amazing meeting tons of new people and teachers.

    Just be yourself, don't be nervous, and you will have a great time =]

    I don't really remember too much about when I first starting Jr. High though...heh, sorry.

    But I hope everything goes well!

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