
First day of being a freshman: Curly or Straight hair? (pics of me with both)?

by  |  earlier

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Wellll, curly or straight hair. i scrunch my hair alot and its so easy to do , but alot of people tell me to staighten it more often, but alot of people like it better curly , so i dont know . you tell me :)

^^ scrunched/curly

^ straightt.




  1. I'd do straight.

    The scrunched really isnt that curly and I think it looks like its just coated in gel and a tiny bit wavy.. not enough to be trying to make it curly.. it looks kinda trashy.. too hard and crusty lol  When I scrunch mine its way curlier than that.  I'd stick with straightening.

  2. as this is your second question that i have found on this answer i think your looking for someone to say this.

    yes you are beautiful

    wear your hair how you like it not how anyone else wants you too.

  3. straight.. your hair scrunched looks soo tackkkkyy

  4. You look best with straight hair.

  5. Straight.

  6. both look good but the straight hair makes you look older and smarter while wavy hair makes you look young and flurtatious. depends what you want message you want to send.

    p.s. love your eyes.

  7. i dont know i like both.

    maybe straight.?


    love your eyes.

  8. Straight without a doubt!

  9. Well im 16 i mostly

    straighten mines

    but on you look pretty with curly :)

    i like the way you scrunch yours

    mines comes out all retarted when i scrunch it :/

  10. I would say curly but the first pic looks really strange because your bangs are straight and the rest is curly, you're not supposed to do that, it looks strange.

  11. It's a special occasion, so why don't you straighten it!  : )

  12. I love it curly!!  

  13. I think you should keep it curly

  14. I love your hair straight. It looks really sleek and polished:)

  15. straight looks a lot better

  16. definitly straight for the first day!!! cuz curly is more casual and u want to look fancy for the first day! good luck!

  17. I like the scrunched. You look so cute when your hair is like that. I can never get my hair like that. How do you do that????

  18. umm for the first day straight.

    because it looks polished..

    hope this helped:]

  19. i like the very last pic of your hair straight...the curly makes you look older but the straight makes you look younger in my opinion.

  20. I say hubby said straight

  21. I am like you, I wear my hair curly but I always like the straight look too.  So the way I decide is first:  decide what you want to wear!  The compliment it with your hairstyle - some looks/colors go better with curly (since it tends to be darker when curled)  others look really good and fresh with straight hair (brings out the shine)

  22. i like the scrunched better

  23. go with straight hair :O

  24. You look so pretty in both but I would pick straight it gives you more chick look. you are so pretty though!

    please answer mine its similar

  25. Straight

  26. straight

    you have awesome eyes - by the way

    you look too young to be posing the way you do in some of the pics

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