
First day of college class indroductions?

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so i have my first class at a community college tomorrow... about 50 people in the class, sociology. it's a 3 HOUR class. i'm wondering if they're going to start to lecture after the sillybus is read, or if they're going to make us stand up in front of class and say something stupid like, "hi, i'm blah blah blah, i'm from nebraska and i like to go fishing'' or something like, "find someone with 3 brothers and say hi." i absolutley dispise exercises like that. so what generally happens the first day, especially a 3-hour class? i'm seriously worried and can't sleep.




  1. I doubt your college instructor really cares if you're from nebraska and like to fish. Unless of course, he likes to fish as well and needs a fishing buddy. ;-)  Seriously, if you have to introduce yourself, it would be something along the lines of "I'm Jane Doe. I grew up in Manor and graduated from Manor High."  That's all they will happen. These people don't have time to "bond" with icebreaker exercises so I think you're pretty "safe" on this one.  

  2. With 50 people probably not, it just becomes too long.  Expect such things with smaller classes of 30 or less.   Since your class meets just once a week, it's highly likely you will spend some time going over the class requirements then dive straight into the first chapter or two.  

  3. no people in college dont care what your name is, they wont do introductions.  they will read the requirements of the course and what its like. what each exam is worth towards you final grade and then they will go to it and start teaching.

  4. No one can really tell you... don't worry too much, college is way different from high school. The focus is on academics, not socializing.

  5. yeah, intro first about how the class will work, what book you have to buy for requirements and you may need to just introduce yourself but it all depends.  some instructors will let you out early and some will just start the lecture. 3hrs course seems like they have to give you some break.

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