
First day of cross country?

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my first day of cross country is tomorrow and this is my first year too. what should i expect like distance wise?




  1. expect misery i hated it but i love rowing!

  2. since its your very first time.

    and it depends on how old u r too.

    I'd say they'll make you run maybe a 2k,or for like 20 mins tops.  

  3. since ur a first time runenr u should have about a 3 mile workout warm ups and a logn run for cardiovascular training to make u have les lactic acid and ull have breaks inbetween every training thing

  4. itll probably be a lot of mileage at a slow pace for the first week to get u ready to run faster. itll will seem unbearable for the first few week but dont quiet. keep working at it and u will love it after u get in shape. hav fun and try hard.

  5. well at my school the cross country team does a mile warm up lap, a 3 mile run, and a mile cool down... i play soccer so i run a lot 2 and i have a lot a friends on the Cross Country team!!! u will do great!! have fun!!

  6. i started 2 weeks, ago,we did 3.5 miles (1200 meter warm up, 1.5 mile run, 1 mile timed, 400 meter cool down) its pretty easy on the first day.  I was dying at the end, but i can run 3.5 miles without stopping now, just 2 weeks later.  So if you feel more exhausted than others, never THINK of giving up.  Its amazing.  Good luck!

  7. Go cross country girl!! I love cross country and have been doing it for 3 years.

    Uhm, usually on the first day they wont try to kill you lol. they probably just want to see what you can do. For our first practice we ran 2 miles at our own pace.  GOOD LUCK GIRL!!

    God bless

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