
First day of eight grade

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is it scary?

i know im not going into a new school yet but 8th grade there is alot of drama (so i have heard) and they give alot of homework (alot more that 7th) and some of the teachers are really mean

this is all that i heard from my 8th grade friends

how do i make a good impression on the teacher since i am scene




  1. I'm going to seventh grade

  2. why do you label yourself? just be yourself 8th grade is an easy and fun year nothing hard about it if your a normal person capable of passing 1-7th 8 th shouldnt be anything its cake

  3. um your not going to a new school so it won't be real bad...

    about the homework, that just depends on your teachers

    i almost never had homework in 8th grade

    drama is a part of life

    just try hard

    i really really miss my 8th grade year, it was my favorite year

  4. im in the 10'th and 8th grade is easy until u reach High school if ur a freshman in highschool youll probably be jumped by kids above 9th grade during the first week or first day oof school take my advicee always be ready to run

  5. 8th grade is the same as any grade. you will always be nervous but once you get use to it you will be okay.  depending on your school i dont know about the homework but it felt the same to me.

  6. I'm going into 8th grade too!  im not too worried abou it seeing that i kno most of the teachers im going to have.  in your situation, if you be yourself, do as your told, and respect the teachers, they will love you.  and homework wise, i have an older brother and he says 8th grade homework is actually less than 7th grade.  dont worry so much!

  7. i thought there was more drama in 7th grade. 8th grade is more fun but more projects.

    make a good impression by being nice and polite. introduce yourself. The first day of school maybe wear an outfit less scene so its not too intimidating

  8. Do your homework, be on top of your grades and don't be afraid to contribute to the classroom discussion if you know something. Also, don't call yourself scene xD You won't get much cred there. Your a person, not a label...then again I have no room to talk because I spent my 6-8th grade years as "Goth"

    h**l, just enjoy it and relax, it's a breeze if your on top of your work. You'll be fine. Don't forget to have fun though, without fun you'll go nuts.

    Feel free to message me any time for advice or just to talk.


  9. no. it's exactly like 7th grade. don't listen to any of the rumours, theyll only scare you more and are probably untrue. just dont forget any homework and work hard, even if you arent good at schoolwork if they see you working hard then they usually favourite you.

  10. Don't talk while the teacher is talking! And pay attention!

  11. i JUST came outa 8th  

    it's not bad

    but it is true more home work and more drama

    just try to get your work done in classs

    and stay AWAY from drama as much as possible

    teachers may be mean just get on their good side

  12. I know just how you feel. I start 8th tomorrow but lucky for me its my birthday lol.  

  13. Im going into 8th too! Just be yourself and don't try too hard.

  14. Eighth grade will be you easiest year. It like senior year of high school. Your just coasting through the year waiting for prom and graduation. However dont become too lax, your grades may slip if you do. Dont spend as much time as you did on the books as you did last year but stay sharp, because some of your eight grade scores are sent to high schools you choose. This is the time you spend with your friends that youre going to miss next year.

    As far as homework, its not that much work maybe less than 7th grade. In your last semester dont expect to be doing much homework though.

    Youre friends maybe right about the mean teachers, keep your cool. Dont be intimidated. Theyre people just like you. Dont just assume people will judge you. You maybe pleasantly supprised.

  15. Listen and learn....that will make a great impression on your teacher


  16. ...just wait until high school...then it will really suck

  17. It'll be so transitional, you won't notice a big difference between 7th and 8th.

  18. Nope, 8th grade is easier than grade 7. Lmao, idk why tho. THEY GIVE YOU LESS HOMEWORK :). lmao, i love it.

  19. Ooof....middle school...

    Hey, don't get wrapped up in all the drama and you'll be set. Don't ever talk about other people, and remember that sometimes your true friends aren't who you think they are right now.

    As for the teachers, what other kids tell you may not be the same for you. You might love a teacher that seemingly everyone hates, or you might really disagree with a teacher that a lot of other people like. Whatever you do, just go into school having an open mind, and try not to judge people based on rumors.

  20. It is NOT Scary at all,

    It's like normal but learning more of every subject.

    And just stay out of the Drama!

    Hope this helps


  21. Ummm just make sure u do all ur homework and dont pissoff any  8th grade teachers off

  22. there is not much of a difference just try to have fun with it!

  23. How Ironic I'm going into 8th grade too! No It's not, it's just like going back to 7th grade.You should reinvent yourself and strive to look and do better in school. Just be nice and try to be friends with the teacher trust me if the teacher likes you he or she will be easier on you in terms grading, no matter how strict your teachers are.

    "Don't just go back Arrive!" -Sears


  24. They are Lying! 8th grade is fab. There's only drama if you cause it and the teachers are only mean if you don't follow the rules. If you wanna break the rules do it on the down low! Oh and at my school they gave the same amount of HW.

  25. Not really it is just seeing new students and old friends! It all depends on what school you are going to

  26. not shooting him with yo' gangsta' emo gun us always a good way to start.

    apart from that, you'll probs get used to it after a few days, everyone does with these sorts of things =)

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